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研究生(外文):Chen, Wei-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Variations of Residential Property Depreciation in Taipei City –Perspectives of Time, Space and Types
指導教授(外文):Lin, Tzu-Chin
外文關鍵詞:Cost Approach to ValueReal Property DepreciationHedonic Price Modeling
  • 被引用被引用:17
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依據本文實證結果,台北市透天住宅為線性折舊,適合以定額法計算折舊,公寓之折舊路徑較接近凸型,建議採用定率法或分解法,而大廈之折舊路徑則較接近凹型,建議採用逆年數合計法或償還基金法。接續以Chow-test以及FTG test進行統計檢定,結果證實折舊在不同住宅類型間存有差異。在時間及空間的部份,採用交互作用迴歸分析進行驗證,分別以成交年以及行政區代表時間及空間因素,結果發現台北市住宅的折舊會因為時間的不同而有差異,這種現象在大廈尤其明顯,而台北市公寓住宅的折舊型態在不同行政區間存在非常顯著的差異。最後,探討折舊在稅賦政策上的意涵,整體而言,在低利率前提下,法規仍有低估折舊而高估房屋稅基的情況,尤以公寓較為明顯。此外,模擬結果顯示折舊年數與通貨膨脹程度成反比,亦即當物價上漲時,應該適度地縮短折舊年數,如此才能將通貨膨脹的影響確實地反映在折舊的估算。

A real property is, for tax purposes, depreciated by a constant amount annually in Taiwan. This calculation is based on the Regulation of Real Estate Appraisal. This constant-amount depreciation is often referred to as a linear-type depreciation. A linear-type depreciation is though simple and easy to understand, it appears to have over-simplified the complex nature of property depreciation. A linear-type depreciation does not take account of the difference among properties across their type, over space or through time. In view of these potential biases of a linear-type depreciation, the present study attempts to estimate the depreciation of residential properties in the market across property type in a spatial and temporal context. Empirical findings are further contrasted with the depreciation path specified by legislation to discern their divergence and its implications.
An empirical investigation into Taipei City residential property market is undertaken and results summarized. A liner-type regression is found to be satisfactory for houses. In contrast, a convex type of depreciation is found for apartments, which suggests a constant-rate or a decomposition method to be suitable. A concave type of depreciation performs well for high-rise apartments, which implies the appropriateness of a reverse-sum or sinking fund methods. These distinct depreciation paths across property types are also statistically confirmed through Chow and Tiao-Goldberger tests. In addition, interaction terms are included in regression models to detect the spatial and temporal effects on depreciation. A spatial effect is revealed and particularly strong for apartments. A temporal effect is present and especially obvious for high-rise apartments. Evidence in respect of the variable depreciation suggests policy significance for property tax. Given a low interest rate, depreciation tends to be underestimated under the current legislation, through which tax base is in turns overvalued. This is particularly evident in apartments. Another policy implication is with regard to the inverse effect of inflation on allowable depreciation period. When inflation is on the rise, the allowable depreciation period shall be shortened.
Research findings overall substantiate that depreciation evidenced in the market differs from that specified in legislation. It is suggested that property type and location as well as property market condition all need to be considered when depreciation is estimated. On the policy side, depreciation tables issued by local governments shall regularly be reviewed, and annual depreciation rate or allowable depreciation period accordingly adjusted to reflect the actual property depreciation in the market.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究內容與研究範圍 4
第三節 研究方法 7
第四節 研究架構與流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 11
第一節 成本法與折舊的關聯 11
第二節 折舊的相關研究 15
第三節 特徵價格理論 24
第四節 小結 26
第三章 資料處理與分析 27
第一節 資料說明 27
第二節 資料處理 30
第三節 資料統計分析 33
第四節 小結 43
第四章 實證模型之建立與分析 45
第一節 變數選取與說明 45
第二節 實證模型 50
第三節 實證分析 53
第四節 小結 65
第五章 折舊路徑模擬與分析 67
第一節 折舊路徑模擬 67
第二節 不同觀點探討折舊的變化 73
第三節 折舊與稅賦政策 81
第四節 小結 91
第六章 結論與建議 92
第一節 結論 92
第二節 建議 95
參考文獻 96
附錄一 台北市35層以下房屋構造標準單價表 99
附錄二 臺北市房屋折舊率及耐用年數表 101
附錄三 不同住宅類型之折舊率及殘餘價格率變動表 102
附錄四 不同住宅類型市場折舊與法規還原總折舊額變動表 104
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