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論文名稱(外文):The Optimal Tax Policy in the Presence of Capital Mobility and Unemployment
指導教授(外文):LAI, YU-BONG
外文關鍵詞:optimal taxinvoluntary unemploymentR&D
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In an economy with involuntary unemployment due to firm-worker bargaining over each firm’s surplus, the government has an incentive to subsidize the use of labor. In this situation, the optimal tax policy will be different from that under a competitive labor market. Literature on this subject has seldom considered capital as an additional input. We assume that a firm can allocate capital between production and the pollution abatement R&D. The capital used in R&D is free of tax. Our main finding is: when the government uses both the environmental and capital taxes to subsidize the labor, the environmental tax should be set higher (lower) than the marginal damage, provided that the externality of the pollution is larger (smaller) than the social costs of unemployment. This paper also shows that the relationship between the environmental tax rate and its tax base. We highlight the theoretical basis by illustrating why the optimal environmental tax rate should be set lower than the marginal damage when the tax base is too narrow.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究目的與動機 ......................................................................... 1
第二節 研究方法 ..................................................................................... 3
第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................ 4
第一節 雙重紅利 ..................................................................................... 4
第二節 最適環境稅 ................................................................................. 5
第三節 非自願性失業 ............................................................................. 7
第四節 資本流動性與資本市場的扭曲 ................................................. 8
第三章 模型設定 ........................................................................................ 10
第一節 工會 ..................................................................................... 10
第二節 廠商 ............................................................................................. 11
第三節 政府 ............................................................................................. 12
第四章 資本稅為外生的情況 ................................................................. 15
第一節 無法對勞動補貼下之環境稅分析 ............................................. 16
第二節 環境稅稅收補貼勞動 ................................................................. 17
第五章 資本稅為外生的情況 ................................................................. 19
第一節 無法對勞動補貼下之環境稅分析 ............................................. 19
第二節 環境稅、資本稅補貼勞動 ........................................................... 20
第六章 結論 .................................................................................................. 23
附錄 .................................................................................................................. 25
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................... 30
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