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論文名稱(外文):Clustering of time series data using nonparametric Bayesian model
外文關鍵詞:nonparametric autoregressive modelsposteriormodel-based clusteringsimilarity measures
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In general time series data clustering methods can be grouped as two main classes, namely non-model-based methods and model-based methods. The former consists, e.g., DFT, DWT, PCA and LPC clustering methods. The methods in the latter class usually assume the series in the same cluster have the same model. For example, the autoregressive, autoregressive and moving-average, and hidden Markov model clustering methods are assumed and used in variant model-based clustering processes. The clustering methods in the above two classes usually assume the implemented models are linear and each series is stationary. However, in practical these assumptions may fail and cause incorrect result. Hence, the study aims to propose a nonparametric clustering method to overcome the mentioned problems.
We present a Bayesian concept of the nonparametric additive model for and derive the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for nonparametric additive models clustering. The GCV criteria and the BRUTO algorithm are applied to get the best smoothing parameters and deal with the mean function estimations.
In the simulations, the Bayesian autoregressive models (BAR) methods have similarity value 0.98 when the true models are linear stationary autoregressive and low similarity value when the true models are near unit root autoregressive or non-linear models. On the other hand, as expectation, BNPAR models have higher similarity values for three kinds data generations than the BAR models clustering.
We also employed the proposed clustering method in the application of ECG data and found that our proposed method have the better result that than Bayesian autoregressive model clustering.
第一章:導論 4
第一節:研究背景介紹 4
第二節:研究目的 6
第二章:文獻回顧 9
第一節:隱藏式馬可夫模型分群方法 9
第二節:自我迴歸時間序列模型分群方法 14
第三節:非參數模型分群方法 18
第三章:自我迴歸時間序列模型的貝氏分群法 21
第一節:自我迴歸時間序列模型 21
第二節:自我迴歸時間序列模型貝氏分群方法 23
第四章:非參數自我迴歸模型 35
第一節:非參數模型基本理論 35
第二節:非參數模型平滑函數 36
第三節:平滑參數的選取 38
第四節:滿足立方樣條平滑函數的解 39
第五節:簡單非參數自我迴歸模型 40
第六節:非參數可加性模型 41
第七節:可加性自我迴歸模型 43
第五章:非參數自我迴歸模型貝氏分群法 44
第六章:模擬分析 52
第一節:模擬比較分群方法 52
第二節:分群個數的模擬分析 54
第三節:分群相似度的模擬分析 75
第七章:實際資料分析 140
第一節:心電圖介紹 140
第二節:心電圖資料描述 142
第八章:結論與未來發展 156
附錄一 模擬分析結果 159
附錄二 程式碼 278
參考文獻 293





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