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研究生(外文):HU shian-ting
論文名稱(外文):The research to evaluate the non-market value in Agricultural Easement - A study of I-LAN
指導教授(外文):Chen slchan
外文關鍵詞:Agricultural EasementTotal Economic Value SystemContingent Valuation MethodPayment card
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我國地狹人稠、土地資源稀少,導致農地在經濟發展的過程中,不斷面臨到變更轉用的壓力。而現有的農地管理制度,給予的發展權亦十分懸殊,加上未有嚴格的監控,導致農地非法使用與破壞的事件層出不窮。於2002年1月1日加入世界貿易組織後,境內農業的支持依約需逐年遞減,原本市場中支持農地續做農用的誘因將較現況大幅減少。若從永續環境思潮的角度來看當世代的資源使用,此將有危世代公平的精神。而農業地役權制度(Agricultural Easement)為美國近幾十年來保育農地有成的工具之ㄧ,其透過契約購買或接受捐贈等方式,以獲取農地未來的發展權,且在契約簽訂的時間內,土地所有權人需依約規定,因此,政府或保育機構可較為積極的維護農業資源與農業提供的多功能性。但此制度目前的價值估算,多透過傳統的市場估價技術,並未對此套制度所帶來的相關外部性予以探討,實屬可惜!缘此,本研究欲透過瞭解農業地役權所帶來的總體經濟效益,並利用非市場估價技術,估算農業地役權中非市場的價值。
透過文獻回顧後,本研究透過條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method),透過問卷詢問農業地役權值中的非市場價值在民眾心目中的價值。問卷內容包括非市場價值認同度測試、地役權制度說明、以支付卡法詢價、以極受訪者相關的社經屬性。本實證研究以二階層叢聚抽樣,共發出867份問卷,共回收330份有效問卷。
問卷回收後,透過Group data model、Tobit model、以及Heckit model推估願付價值,宜蘭縣每戶每年對農業地役權中的非市場價值,其中以Group data model的結果較佳,每人每年願付金額為492元,推算回母體,農業地役權中的非市場價值為6591萬元。礙於經費有限,本文建議地役權初期應以「農地保育」為優先,可將經費投入地力與生產環境較優的「第一種農業發展區」,其面積為4884公頃,平均每公頃的設定金額為13,495元。
Our country is small territory but high population density, and the land regulation is inequitable, the development rights contrast between city and county, these reasons bring the farmland face to great alterations stress and illegal utilize. In 2002, our country have already acceded The World Trade Organization, according to the regulation, our support to agriculture must reduce, the inducement to encourage farmland to farm is disappear. The continuously decrease in farmland is against the generations justice. Recently, the Agricultural Easement is a great tool to preserve the farmland in United States, this policy is signing a contract with farmland-owner, and the government acquires the development rights from the land-owner. In the contract, the government or the organization should give some money to acquires the development rights. How about the price? Now, the organization the traditional market valuation skills. However, this policy will bring so much non-market value, we should think about it. Therefore, this study wants to use the non-market valuation skills to discusses the public willing to pay about the non-market value in Agricultural Easement.
This study use the Contingent Valuation Method to establish the model, discusses the public willing to pay about the non-market value in Agricultural Easement. The questionnaire’s content contains that the interviewers yes or no identify with the non-market of farmland, the account of policy plan, willing to pay, resident’s social and economic background. This study uses the two-stage cluster sampling, to sample 867 households, finally, 330 questionnaires got back.
After the questionnaire survey get back, this study use Group data model ,Tobit model, and Heckit model to estimated each resident’s willing to pay each year. Comparatively, the Group data model’s model fitness is well than others. So, the study result of the are willing to pay is $492 NT dollars to preserve the non-market value in Agricultural Easement, whole year the I-LAN residents are willing to pay approximately $6911 million NT dollars. Because the treasury is not very much, this study suggests that the policy should lay stress on 「Farmland Conservation」, we should put money into 「the first farmland development area」,whole area is 4884 ha., the average $13495 dollars one ha..
第一章 緒論 1-1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1-1
第二節 研究範圍 1-3
第三節 研究方法與流程 1-6
第二章 文獻回顧 1-1
第一節 農業地役權(Agricultural Easement)制度之內涵 2-2
第二節 總體經濟價值體系-農業地役權方案之總經濟價值建構 2-9
第三節 非市場價值評價法之選擇 2-14
第四節 條件評估法 2-17
第三章 研究設計 3-1
第一節 研究架構 3-1
第二節 問卷內容 3-4
第三節 模型理論與變數探討 3-8
第四節 抽樣計畫 3-14
第四章 問卷調查與分析 4-1
第一節 問卷調查與初步統計分析 4-1
第二節 農業地役權中非市場價值之認知 4-6
第三節 願付價格與社經背景相關性分析 4-12
第五章 實證模型分析 5-1
第一節 模型估計 5-2
第二節 評估模型之差異比較 5-8
第六章 結論與建議 6-1
第一節 研究結論與建議 6-1
第二節 後續研究建議 6-4
參考文獻………………………………………………………………………… 參-1
附錄……………………………………………………………………………… 附-1
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一、美國農業部-自然資源保育機構(Natural Resources Conservation Services,簡稱NRCS):
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