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研究生(外文):Mei-Chuan Tsao
論文名稱(外文):The Information Content and Determination of Assets Impairments in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Conrad C. Chang, Ph. D
外文關鍵詞:ImpairmentsTaiwan’s Accounting Standard Statement No. 35Information contentDetermination
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The major purpose of this study was to investigate the information content and determinants for the first adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 35 and was to further consider whether domestic regulation influenced the firm’s decision on applying the standard. In order to include more accurate and complete samples, this study reviewed all disclosures of assets impairments in financial statements of all the Taiwan stock exchange and over-the-counter stock market from the fourth quarter 2004 to the first quarter of 2005.
This study examined stock price reaction around assets write-off announcement by using the event study and regression analysis. The results showed negative abnormal returns response around the announcement, indicating investors evaluated the assets write-off as decreasing value of assets, not the improvement of future performance. Besides, the results showed determinants and amount of asset write-off were mainly driven by economic factors of the company during the initial adoption of the standard. This might imply that the standard could truly reflect the economic condition of the company. Additionally, this study found that firms practiced a big bath earnings management in the first year of adoption. The results also showed that early adoption of standard provided manager stronger incentive to smooth the earnings and recorgnized the more amount of assets write-off when firm changed senior management.
Finally, the study showed undistributed earnings of year 2004 might be the factor that firms decide to early adopt the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 35. The heavier the burden of 10-percent tax on distributed earnings of companies, the less the incentive firm to early adopt the standard. Besides, the study also found that, when investigating the determinant of amounts of asset write-off, the model should include not only the economic factors and decision motivation, but also book values of intangible assets, equity investment and fixed assets to complete the model specification.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 資產減損之基本觀念 8
2.2 國外資產減損文獻 16
2.3 國內相關議題之研究 27
第三章 研究設計 32
3.1 研究假說 32
3.2 研究模型 38
3.3 研究期間與樣本說明 55
第四章 實證結果與分析 58
4.1敘述統計量 58
4.2資產減損之資訊內涵檢定 66
4.3 資產減損發生之決定因素檢定 71
4.4認列資產減損金額之決定因素檢定 80
第五章 敏感性分析 87
第六章 結論及建議 93
6.1 研究結論 93
6.2 研究限制與建議 95
參考文獻 97
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