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研究生(外文):Lin Yi-chieh
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Social-Networking Sites by using Six Degrees of Separation Theorem
指導教授(外文):Juang Tong-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Six Degrees of SeparationSmall WorldSocial-Networking Sites
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1960年代,美國心理學家米爾格蘭(Stanley Milgram)開始了著名的六度分離實驗—信件實驗,並從實驗中發現人際關係中的「六度分離」的結果,因而提出了人際關係是小世界的想法,成為小世界理論的先驅者。於1998年初,由康乃爾大學的華茲(Duncan Watts)及他的指導教授史楚蓋茲(Steve Strogatz)所發表的論文—「小世界」網路的集體動力學,揭開了小世界網路研究的序幕。隨著六度分離理論發展至今,以小世界理論為基礎的社交人脈網站(Social-Network Sites)也已陸續出現,提供網路上的使用者一種嶄新的拓展人脈管道,透過社交人脈網站來認識朋友不僅消除了地域上的限制,也使得社交人脈網站成為人們拓展人脈的一種利器。
In 1960s, American psychologist Stanley Milgram started an experiment on “the Six Degrees of Separation” and found interpersonal relationship within the Six Degrees of Separation from the mail experiment. Thus, he proposed an idea that the interpersonal relationship is a “Small World”, and became pioneer of the “Small World” theory. At the beginning of 1998, Duncan J. Watts and his counselor Steve Strogatz in Cornell University published Collective Dynamics of “Small World” Networks, have opened the prelude studied in Small World networks. As the Six Degrees of Separation theory was developed so far, many Social-Networking Sites based on the Small World theory have already established successfully. Those sites offer users a brand-new channel to expand interpersonal connections. Through the sites, friendship can be made without regional restriction, and meanwhile, it can be a good tool for expanding interpersonal connections.
Through Social-Networking Sites, a lot of adorable famous people, or good friends and old classmates who have disappeared for a long time can be found. The attraction of it is that person who is putting his own connections network on the sites seems to be very remote and strange to each other but virtual distance is nearing. Although the number of domestic and foreign Social-Networking Sites rises gradually at present, but the difference between functions and practicability of each site is immense. The purpose of this research is to analyze and to research every Social-Networking Sites and to probe into factors for those concepts of interpersonal connections management. Finally, a Social-Networking Site, will be designed, is suitable for users to manage interpersonal connection.
口試委員簽名頁 i
謝辭 ii
中文論文摘要 iii
英文論文摘要 iv
目 錄 v
圖 次 vi
表 次 vii

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 1
第三節 研究範圍 2
第四節 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 六度分離與小世界理論 4
第二節 社交人脈網站的發展與特性 5
第三節 社會資本理論 7
第四節 網路社群 9
第五節 Web Services 10
第三章 國內外社交人脈網站之分析與比較 13
第一節 社交人脈網站回顧 13
第二節 網站區隔 14
第三節 國內外社交人脈網站分析 15
第四節 國內外社交人脈網站分析比較 19
第五節 總結 23
第四章 商務型社交人脈網站系統分析與設計 24
第一節 系統設計理念 24
第二節 系統架構 25
第三節 系統設計 26
第四節 小結 32
第五章 結論與建議 33
第一節 研究結論 33
第二節 未來研究建議 33
參考文獻 35
附錄 商務型社交人脈網站企劃書 38
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