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研究生(外文):Ya-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Service Quality and Inertia on the Traveling Behavior of Intercity Bus Choice
指導教授(外文):Chih-Wen Yang
外文關鍵詞:Service QualityInertia EffectLogistic RegressionLogit ModelIntegrating utility
  • 被引用被引用:7
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The paper is to study travelers’ choice behavior for intercity bus operators. We focus on the influences of service quality and inertia effect to the integrating model. This model is aimed to combine RP and SP utility based on the individual concept instead of data concept and to raise model’s explanatory power effectively.
Based on the past choice experiences of each traveler, a customized computer questionnaire was designed to collect the satisfying index of service quality for intercity bus operators. Then the choice scenario designed by stated preference method is used to analyze the choice preference of bus operators for travelers. This survey includes for major routes, Taichung-Tappei, Taichung-Taoyuan, Taichung- Tainan, and Taichung-Kaohsiung and adopts face to face interview to process data collection on the four bus terminals.
Sixteen evaluating criteria of service quality are identified and extracted to four common factors by using factor analysis. Those are safety and service attitude, comfort, convenience, and information provision. For correcting the bias of subjective specification for inertia effect, the logistic regression is used to construct the generalizing inertia index. Based on the individual viewpoint to combine RP and SP utility, we use the utility scale factor to conduct the scale difference between the two utility. The generalizing inertia index is also used to be the linkage variable between RP and SP utility.
By the likelihood ratio test between different specifications, we discuss the influences of service quality, generalizing inertia index, and utility scale factor on the integrating-utility model. The empirical results also show that the proposal specification has the better explanatory power than those previous specifications.
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究範圍與對象 3
1.4研究流程 4
第二章文獻回顧 6
2.1顯示性偏好與敘述性偏好整合模式 6
2.1.1 顯示性與敘述性偏好之理論基礎 6
2.1.2顯示性與敘述性偏好之特性介紹 7
2.1.3敘述性偏好實驗設計 8
2.1.4整合模式尺度因子 10
2.1.5衡量整合模式之估計法 12
2.2結構方程模式 13
2.2.1結構方程模式之理論基礎 13
2.2.2結構方程模式之特性介紹 15
2.2.3潛在變數指定至選擇模式 16
2.2.4文章應用探討 20
2.3探討影響顧客運具選擇之組成要素 22
2.3.1SERVQUAL之意涵與組成構面 22
2.3.2影響搭乘運具之量化變數探討 23
2.3.3影響搭乘運具之質化變數探討 26
2.3.4國道客運服務品質潛在變數 30
2.3.5構成忠誠度之因素 32
第三章模式架構 36
3.1結構方程模式 36
3.1.1 服務品質潛在變數 36
3.1.2 建構模式 37
3.1.3參數校估 37
3.2羅吉斯迴歸 38
3.2.1羅吉斯迴歸基本概念 38
3.2.2羅吉斯迴歸模式 39
3.3整合模式 39
3.3.1RP效用函數 40
3.3.2SP效用函數 40
3.3.3構建整合模式 41
第四章資料蒐集與分析 46
4.1問卷設計與調查 46
4.1.1問卷設計 46
4.1.2SP屬性與水準值之訂定 49
4.1.3SP模擬情境之實驗設計 49
4.1.4問卷調查 51
4.2問卷回收與分析 51
4.2.1問卷回收概況 51
4.2.2社經特性分析 56
4.2.3服務品質滿意度分析 58
第五章實證研究 64
5.1國道客運服務品質 64
5.1.1問卷信度 64
5.1.2服務品質問項萃取結果 65
5.1.3服務品質變數因果關係 67
5.2羅吉斯迴歸慣性指標 70
5.2.1變數定義 71
5.2.2模式建構 72
5.3羅吉特整合模式 74
5.3.1基礎模式 74
5.3.2效用尺度 78
5.3.3一般化慣性指標 80
5.4小結 83
第六章結論與建議 86
6.1結論 86
6.2建議 88
參考文獻 90
附錄 電腦問卷 95
參考文獻 英文部分
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