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研究生(外文):Kuei-Ching Lin
論文名稱(外文):Application of Genetic Algorithm on Production Scheduling of Textile Industry
指導教授(外文):Tung-Shou ChenRong-Chang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Production schedulinggenetic algorithmtextile industrygarmentknit fabricdyeing
  • 被引用被引用:6
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Production scheduling plays an important role in reducing production cost and increasing efficiency in textile industry. In the past, production schedules in textile industry are arranged mostly by senior managers or production controllers, and thus are significantly dependent on their experiences. Unexpected results, however, may produce as a result of the complexity of production situations and some intrinsic constraints of the company and human. It is, therefore, very important to provide useful tools that can help managers to schedule production more easily, conveniently, and flexibly. In this research, we employ genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the production scheduling problem in textile industry, including the production of garment and the knitting and dyeing of fabrics. The application of GA aims to obtain good feasible solutions within a short time. As have been demonstrated by many previous studies, how to set the values of crossover and mutation rates is a key issue when using GA. In this investigation, we try to find the optimal values of crossover and mutation rates for different order amount with different quantity of machines. The results can provide managers with suitable setting values of crossover and mutation rates for versatile production environments. Results from this study show that it just takes 1 or 2 second to get good feasible solutions by using genetic algorithm, while 2~31 minutes will be taken to get the solutions by an experienced scheduler. In addition, experimental results indicate that using GA can obtain better schedules than using the methods of first-in first out (FIFO) and shortest processing time (SPT).
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 8
1.4 研究流程 9
第二章 文獻探討 12
2.1紡織業 12
2.1.1 紡織業的概況 12
2.1.2 紡織業之相關生產排程文獻 15
2.2 排程問題 15
2.2.1 平行機台 21
2.2.2 排程問題之相關文獻探討 22
第三章 問題描述 23
3.1 成衣生產排程 24
3.1.1 假設條件 25
3.1.2目標式及符號說明 26 符號說明 26 目標式 26
3.2 針織布生產排程 27
3.2.1 假設條件 28
3.2.2目標式及符號說明 29 符號說明 29 目標式 30
3.3 後染排程 31
3.3.1 假設條件 32
3.3.2 目標式及符號說明 33符號說明 33目標式 34
3.4 成衣、針織布及後染生產排程之比較 35
第四章 研究方法 36
4.1 基因演算法 39
4.1.1基因演算法的發展與演變 39
4.1.2 基因演算法之介紹 43
4.1.3 基因演算法的基本假設 44
4.1.4 編碼 46
4.1.5 初始族群 47
4.1.6適應函數 47
4.1.7 基因運算元 48
4.1.8研究流程 57 編碼及運算方法 58
第五章 結果與討論 61
5.1資料驗證 61
5.2實驗結果 69
5.2.1 針織布生產排程 74
5.2.2 後染排程 75
5.2.3成衣生產排程 77
5.2.4基因演算法與其他方法在排程結果之比較 79基因演算法之排程結果 79基因演算法與其他派工法則之總生產時間之比較 81基因演算法與傳統人工排程結果之比較 81
第六章 結論及未來的研究方向 85
6.1 結論 85
6.2 研究成果及貢獻 86
6.3 未來的研究方向 87
參考文獻 88
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