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研究生(外文):Hao-Cheng Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Secret Sharing and Reversible Steganographic Techniques for Digital Images
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Chu Wu
外文關鍵詞:Visual Secret SharingInformationImage Steganography
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本論文的第一個分享技術可將多份彩色機密影像利用視覺機密分享(visual secret sharing)技術產生二張分享影像(share)並分別交給參與者。參與者可透過分享影像的疊合及水平旋轉,呈現出多份機密影像。實驗結果顯示,本技術不僅能有效的提升機密影像的隱藏容量,而且也具備高安全性。因為每一位參與者無法藉由單張分享影像得知機密影像的資訊。
本論文的第二個分享技術則是利用視覺機密分享技術產生二張有意義的彩色分享影像並分別交給參與者,參與者可透過分享影像的疊合,即可呈現彩色機密影像。有意義分享影像的優點在於分享影像在傳輸的過程之中,不易引起駭客的注意。本技術中,主要採用半色調技術(halftone technology)、掩護編碼表(cover coding table)及機密編碼表(secret coding table)將機密影像編碼成二張有意義的分享影像。實驗結果顯示,機密影像能夠藉由疊合分享影像的方法清楚地被還原,而且也具備高安全性,因為參與者無法藉由單張分享影像得知機密影像的資訊。
另一方面,利用數位影像來隱藏機密資訊以達到秘密通訊的目的是一個重要的課題。本論文提出一個植基於預測編碼的可逆式影像偽裝術(steganography),將機密資訊嵌入於掩護影像(host image)的壓縮檔中。本技術建構在無失真影像壓縮原理之下,主要可分為二大階段:預測編碼階段及熵編碼階段。本技術在預測編碼階段會產生誤差值及隱藏樹(hiding-tree),機密位元會藉由參考隱藏樹的方式嵌入於誤差值之中。而在取出機密位元時,同樣會藉由隱藏樹來還原原始的誤差值,進而還原掩護影像,以達到可逆式影像偽裝的目的。在實驗結果方面,本技術的平均隱藏量高達0.992 bpp而且掩護影像可被無失真的還原。另外,將機密資訊藏於影像壓縮檔的好處在於可避免傳統影像偽裝術將機密資訊隱藏非壓縮格式的問題且節省資料的傳輸時間。
This thesis focuses on digital image hiding and its applications in secret image sharing and embedding secret data into digital images to achieve communication security. First, this thesis presents two secret image sharing schemes for digital images and takes the digital image into the secret image and shares it with each participant.
The first proposed secret sharing scheme is based on the visual secret sharing scheme and makes two shares for each participant for multiple color secret images. The multiple secret images can be revealed by stacking and rotating shares. In experimental results, the proposed scheme can increase capacity for the visual secret sharing scheme and moreover provide safety, as the color secret image can not be revealed from a single share.
The second proposed secret sharing scheme is based on the visual secret sharing scheme and makes two meaningful shares for each participant for a color secret image. The color secret image can be revealed by stacking two meaningful shares. These meaningful shares will not arouse the attention of a hacker. Our scheme makes use of the halftone technique, cover coding table and secret coding table to generate two meaningful shares. Experimental results showed the meaningful shares can be stacked together to reveal the secret clearly. Our scheme has high security, because the color secret image can not be revealed from a single meaningful share.
In addition, hiding secret data in the digital image to achieve communication security is an important issue. In this thesis, a reversible image steganographic scheme based on predictive coding is proposed that embeds secret data into the host image compression codes. The proposed scheme is under the principle of lossless image compression which is mainly divided into two stages: the predictive coding stage and the entropy coding stage. The proposed scheme embeds secret data into error values by referring to a hiding-tree during the predictive coding stage. The secret data can be extracted by referring to the hiding-tree during the entropy decoding stage, and the host image can be recovered during the predictive decoding stage to achieve the objective of reversible image steganography. In the experimental results, the average capacity of the proposed scheme is 0.992 bit per pixel (bpp), and the host image is lossless. The advantage of the proposed scheme is to solve the problem of embedding secret data into raw format and saving transmission time on the Internet.

Abstract in Chinese II
Abstract in English IV
Contents VI
List of Tables VIII
List of Figures IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Visual Secret Sharing 1
1.3 Image Steganography 3
1.4 Thesis Organization 5
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 6
2.1 Basic Visual Secret Sharing Scheme 6
2.2 The Halftone Technology 9
2.3 Basic Principle of Color 11
2.4 Hou’s Color Visual Secret Sharing Scheme 12
2.5 Basic Concept of Lossless Image Compression Technique 17
2.6 MED Predictor 18
2.7 Yu et al.’s Image-Hiding Scheme 20
Chapter 3 Multiple Image Sharing Based on Color Visual Cryptography 23
3.1 The Proposed Scheme 23
3.1.1 Generation of Color Halftone Images 25
3.1.2 Pixel Extraction from Color Halftone Images 26
3.1.3 Generation of Share 1 and Share 2 27
3.1.4 Generating a Complete Share 1 29
3.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 33
3.3 Summary 43
Chapter 4 Color Visual Secret Sharing Using Meaningful Shares 45
4.1 The Proposed Scheme 45
4.1.1 Color Halftone Transform and Pixel Extraction Procedures 47
4.1.2 Encoding and Decoding Procedures 48
4.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 54
4.3 Summary 57
Chapter 5 Reversible Image Steganographic Scheme via Predictive Coding 58
5.1 The proposed scheme 58
5.1.1 The Embedding Procedure 59 Predictive Coding and Encryption Secret Data 59 Building Hiding-tree 61 Secret Bits Embedding 65
5.1.2 The Extracting and Recovery Procedure 68
5.2 Experimental Results 69
5.3 Summary 73
Chapter 6 Conclusions 75

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