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研究生(外文):Chuan-Po Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Information Hiding Techniques in Transformation Domain
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Chu Wu
外文關鍵詞:Information hidingDigital watermarkingImage Steganography
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第四章提出一個植基於奇異值分解(Singular Value Decomposition, SVD)及向量量化編碼法(Vector Quantization , VQ)之半易碎浮水印方法。透過VQ從SVD係數中的U矩陣及V矩陣取出影像特徵,並將這些影像特徵嵌入每一個影像子區塊的最大奇異值中。本方法的主要概念是將影像特徵嵌入到影像中,若是影像特徵或是嵌入的資訊遭受到竄改便可將受損的區域偵測出來。
Copyright protection, data integrity and confidential communication have been paid much more attention in recent years, and avoiding torts or counterfeits means that the loss is reduced. In today’s digital era, the chance of torts of digital images increases because digital images are easy to be copied, modified and transmitted. Information hiding is an efficient method for copyright protection, data integrity and confidential communication. The widely used techniques are robust watermarking techniques, fragile watermarking techniques and steganography according to its purpose. These techniques embed the information into digital images, but their purposes are different. The requirement of robust watermarking is that the watermark received from the watermarked image can be recognized after different kinds of attacks. It is used for copyright protection. The purpose of fragile watermarking is to determine whether the image is tampered or not and to locate the tampered region. It is used to protect image integrity. Steganography uses an image to be a camouflage to transmit the secret information, and avoids illegal users discovering the secret information.
This thesis presents three information hiding schemes in the transformation domain according to the image characteristics, including a robust watermarking, a semi-fragile watermarking and a reversible data hiding. The coefficients in the transformation domain can represent image characteristics. The robustness of the coefficients in different subbands is different, and modifying them will cause different distortions. Embedding the information into the coefficients in different subbands can effectively adjust the robustness and the image quality.
In Chapter 3, a robust watermarking scheme resisting both compression attacks and geometrical attacks is proposed. An image is transformed into discrete wavelet coefficients by using discrete wavelet transformation, and two of the coefficients having the same indices in HL subband and LH subband are used to form a gradient vector. The direction of the gradient vector is adjusted to embed the watermark, and the length is increased to improve the robustness of the watermark.
In Chapter 4, a semi-fragile watermarking scheme based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and Vector Quantization (VQ) is proposed. The SVD coefficients of U matrix and V matrix are processed by VQ to extract the image features, and these features are embedded into the biggest singular value of each image sub-block. The main idea behind the proposed scheme is to embed image features obtained from SVD coefficients, into the protected image. If image features or the embedded information are modified, the tampered regions can be detected.
In Chapter 5, a reversible data hiding scheme is proposed. Based on the integer wavelet transformation, the secret data is embedded into the transformation domain, and the stego-image can be recovered to the original image losslessly. Because the modification in the high frequency subbands is not sensitive to human vision, the image quality can be improved. The proposed scheme uses the coefficient expansion to embed the secret data. The coefficients of three 2-level high frequency subbands are used to predict the absolute value of the coefficients of three 1-level high frequency subbands. From the prediction, the small absolute value of the coefficients of three 1-level high frequency subbands can be determined to embed one secret bit or two secret bits. This scheme can increase the capacity effectively.
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract in English III
Acknowledgements V
Contents VI
List of Tables IX
List of Figures X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Image Watermarking 4
1.3 Image Steganography 7
1.4 Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 10
2.1 Wavelet Transformation 10
2.1.1 Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) 10
2.1.2 Integer Wavelet Transformation (IWT) 14
2.2 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 15
2.3 Vector Quantization (VQ) 15
2.4 Robust Watermarking Techniques 16
2.4.1 Digital Watermarking Using Multiresolution Wavelet Decomposition 16 Embedding Process 17 Extracting and Detecting Process 18
2.4.2 Mean Quantization Based Image Watermarking 19 Embedding Process 20 Extracting Process 21
2.5 Fragile Watermarking Techniques 22
2.5.1 An SVD and Quantization Based Semi-Fragile Watermarking Technique for Image Authentication 22 Embedding process 22 Extracting Process 23
2.5.2 Semi-Fragile Image Watermarking Method Based on Index Constrained Vector Quantization 24 Embedding Process 25 Extracting Process 26
2.6 Reversible Spread Spectrum Data Hiding 26
2.6.1 Histogram Modification 27
2.6.2 Embedding Process 27
2.6.3 Extracting process 28
Chapter 3 A Robust Grayscale Watermarking Scheme Using Gradient Vector and Angle Quantization 31
3.1 The Proposed Scheme 32
3.1.1 Embedding and Extracting Processes 32
3.1.2 Adjusting Robustness 34
3.2 Experimental Results and Discussions 35
Chapter 4 A Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme Based on SVD and VQ Techniques 44
4.1 The Proposed Scheme 45
4.1.1 Extracting Features 45
4.1.2 Embedding Process 46
4.1.3 Extracting the Embedded Data 47
4.1.4 Adjusting Robustness 48
4.2 Experimental Results and Discussions 50
Chapter 5 Reversible Data Hiding Based on Integer Wavelet Coefficient Expansion 56
5.1 The Proposed Scheme 56
5.1.1 Preprocess 56
5.1.2 Embedding Process 57
5.1.3 Extracting Process and Recovery 62
5.2 Experimental Results and Discussions 64
Chapter 6 Conclusions 70
6.1 Robust Watermarking Scheme 70
6.2 Semi-Fragile Watermarking Scheme 70
6.3 Reversible Data Hiding Scheme 71
References 72
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