A Study of Current Situation in Setting Life Education into Action in Elementary Schools
Chang, Ho Teng
The purpose of the study is to investigate current situation in setting life education into action in elementary schools in Taitung County, also, to discuss the perceived differences in different variables of current life education, cognition, difficulties and responses among elementary school teachers. Questionnaire is adopted in the research. 436 questionnaires were issued and 360 valid ones were retrieved (valid response rate: 82.6%). Averages, Standard deviations, T-test, One-way ANOVA and Scheffe’ Test were adopted in analyzing the collected data. The conclusions are as follow: 1. Life education has been put into practice commonly in elementary schools in Taitung County. 2. Elementary school teachers presented well extent and highly identification in cognitive aspect. 3. Mostly, teachers deemed that the society and mass media show deficient concern toward life education, also, they should cooperate with publicizing correct life knowledge and attitude. 4. Teachers’ consciousnesses in current life education show no significant differences toward gender, age, material status, experiences, educational background, position and religion, but differences appeared in different school scales. Schools scaled from 13~24 classes show higher identification in cognitive extent than schools with more than 25 classes. 5. Teachers’ cognitive consciousnesses in life education show no significant differences toward gender, age, experiences, educational background, position and religion, but differences appeared in different material status and school scales. Married teachers show higher identification in cognitive extent than unmarried ones. Schools scaled from 13~24 classes show higher identification in cognitive extent than schools with more than 25 classes. 6. Teachers’ consciousnesses in difficulties in set life education into action show no significant differences toward age, material status, experiences, educational background, position, religion and school scales, but differences appeared in different gender. Male teachers show higher consciousnesses than females. 7. Teachers’ consciousnesses in difficulty responses in set life education into action show no significant differences toward gender, age, material status, experiences, educational background, religion and school scales, but differences appeared in different position. School directors show higher consciousnesses than teachers without administrative duties.