The Formation of a Children Drama – Using The Magic Glass Shoes as an Example
This research aims to study the composing process of a children play, The Magic Glass Shoe. An investigation into a drama’s basic principles and its four essential ingredients is conducted from the perspectives of scrip writing, players choosing, theater setting, and audience targeting in the context of a children play. It is intended to substantiate the viewpoint that children audience’s special appreciation properties should always be taken into account together with the values of entertainment, education, and artistry in the production of children dramas. A clear discrimination between ideology of children dramas and implementation realities in a children drama theater will be presented. Furthermore, an in-depth analysis on composition of scripts, interpretation of characters, and translations of scenes will be conducted to a better understanding of their influences to children’s developments on learning, participation, appreciation, enlightenment, education, …etc..
This thesis consists of six chapters, namely Introduction, Dramas’ essential ingredients, Script analysis of The Magic Glass Shoe, The production team of The Magic Glass Shoe, Performance planning and implementation, and Conclusions. It covers a complete record of The Magic Glass Shoes including the motivation, project division, operational scheme, work schedule, to-do list, original manuscript, performance log and album. For those who take interests in children dramas, a basic concept and a work flow can be found. In the Conclusions chapter, the author offers some personal views and propositions on some important issues that are to do with contemporary children play performances such as cooperation with the educational systems, improvement on producing quality, management of the performance groups, and composition of children literature. It is hoped that children play supporters will find useful and inspirational in this thesis.
Keywords: Children Drama, Children Drama Theater, Children Play, Children Play Performance