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研究生(外文):Yi-Chieh Liu
論文名稱(外文):Information Security Algorithm for ATMS Data Transmission through Internet
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ITS的目標在於促進交通安全、減少擁擠、提高機動性、增進經濟生產力、減少環境衝擊、提昇能源使用效率及帶動相關產業發展。而先進交通管理系統(Advanced Transportation Management System, ATMS)乃為ITS下之核心系統,其中最重要的乃是駕駛人所需即時交通資訊之傳輸、交通控制中心須依即時收取之資料,將最正確的訊息與決策傳給用路人與路側設施,此涉及許多技術專業如通訊、電機、資訊工程等與開發空間,且商機無限;在ATMS之資料傳輸中,乃採用NTCIP(National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol)作為其傳輸協定,為了與現行通用之通訊協定相結合而不致有所衝突,NTCIP之堆疊(Stack)亦依循ISO-OSI(Open Systems Interconnect)之七層模型架構。
ITS aims at enhancing traffic safety, reducing congestion, increasing travel mobility, enlarging economic power and controlling efficient energy-use. Since automobile is the major mode for our travel, developing an advanced safe smart vehicle in the field of ITS is important for our society. Advanced Transportation Management System is the major sub-system of ITS. The transportation of traffic data which drivers need is the most important factor for ATMS. However, the security of data transmission has been neglected by most of people. By this reason, this project concentrates on developing a security scheme for data transmission of ATMS. The technique of cryptography would be adopted to protect the contents of data packet from masquerading, replying and tampering. How to verify the source of messages is also what we concern, message digest is a good method to implement it.
Implementing the security scheme is the final objective of this research. We should concern the performance of security and efficiency because the process of encryption and decryption would consume a lot of resource of core system. How to look after both the security and efficiency of transmission is the main problem of this project. However, we consider ATMS would become more complete and secure by solving this problem.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究方法 4
1.5 研究內容與流程 4
1.6 論文章節 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 先進交通管理系統 7
2.2 NTCIP 7
2.2.1 NTCIP之效益 8
2.2.2 NTCIP之架構 9
2.2.3 NTCIP之專用通訊協定 11
2.3 安全要素 19
2.3.1 網路安全模型 19
2.3.2 相關攻擊手法 21
2.3.3 安全服務 22
2.4 相關加密技術 23
2.4.1 對稱式加密法 23
2.4.2 非對稱式加密法 34
2.4.3 訊息確認與雜湊函數 41
2.5 文獻評析 45
第三章 安全機制之建立與實作 47
3.1 系統架構與流程 47
3.2 開發工具 53
3.3 程式架構 54
3.3.1 統一模型化語言 55
3.3.2 安全機制程式說明 56
第四章 系統效能分析 63
4.1 安全機制演算法評選 63
4.1.1 對稱式加密法 63
4.1.2 非對稱式加密法 69
4.2 系統安全性分析 72
4.2.1 安全機制分析 73
4.2.2 密碼分析 75
4.2.3 暴力破解法 82
4.3 系統效率分析 83
4.3.1 封包變化分析 83
4.3.2 鑰匙分送效能分析 91
4.3.3 封包傳輸效能 105
4.4 可靠度分析 114
第五章 結論與建議 119
5.1 結論 119
5.2 建議 120
參考文獻 123
英文部分 123
中文部份 124
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