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研究生(外文):Ya-Lien Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Meaning of Second Homes to Taiwanese Women
外文關鍵詞:second homehomefeminismhumanistic geography
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別居(second homes)的購置在西方世界早已行之有年,尤其在北歐地區更被視為相當平常的一件事。台灣地區隨著周休二日制度的實施、居住品質觀念提升及個人需求的改變,擁有別居也逐漸成為一種新生活型態。
Second home ownership is common in developed countries, especially North Europe. This kind of life style also figures in Taiwan now with the change of personal demands and housing concepts. In this study, I take second home as another "home" to understand women''s home experience in another context.
The association of home with women and femininity is so commonplace that it is often considered natural. As a geographer, I am certainly curious about this most "feminine" space. Using a feminist perspective, I argue the masculinist notion of home in humanistic studies because they erase women from their ideal home.
By conducting interviews of eleven middle class women, who have some common characteristics such as being middle-aged women, with advanced education and a handsome salary, I found that second homes could be a good option for them to release their pressure from both outside and inside of home. And second homes can satisfy their images of the perfect home, too. However, the conception of home mentioned above is deep-rooted and seems "natural" to women and their family members. Women are still affected by traditional ideas and other people in their second homes. This shows that second homes sometimes do not really mean a personal place belonging to women, but just a copy of traditional home.
From this study, I inspect the meaning of second homes to Taiwanese women and discuss their experience of purchasing and using second homes. By the restructure space-- second homes, it can reflect both spacial release and traditional constraint within home and make women''s experience visible.
第一章 緒論 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究問題 3
(一)研究對象界定 4
(二)為什麼是「別居」? 4
(三)核心問題 6

第二章 文獻回顧 7
一、別居的相關研究 7
(一)別居的定義 7
(二)別居旅遊(second home tourism)的特性 8
(三)別居研究的發展 10
(四)國內相關研究 12
二、家的相關研究 13
(一)人文主義地理學者對家的觀點 13
(二)從女性主義觀點來看「家」 16
(三)國內關於「女性的家」的研究 17

第三章 研究方法 20
一、訪談對象 20
二、訪談及紀錄 22
三、訪談大綱 23
四、研究架構 25

第四章 受訪者「家」經驗的訪談分析 28
一、疏離的家 28
二、變動的家 29
三、客人的家 30
四、勞動的家 31
五、男人的家 33

第五章 購置別居的原因 35
一、從生活常規中逃離 35
二、擺脫‘那個人’ 36
三、休閒—旅行之外的另一章 38

四、尋找良好的居住環境 40
五、帶著如田園詩般的想像 42
六、個人工作室 44
七、退休的居所 46
八、與鄉土的連結 47
九、身份地位的表徵 48

第六章 購屋過程 50
一、經濟能力的影響 50
二、看待自己的方式 51
三、家人的態度 52
四、他人的推波助瀾 54

第七章 別居的使用方式 57
一、交通方式與使用頻率 57
二、空間配置 59
三、打造女人的空間 62
四、誰的別居? 66
五、友情開展的園地 68

第八章 別居的反省 71
一、找到桃花源 71
二、原有家的複製 73
三、放不下俗世牽掛 74
四、風景照片外的真實 75

第九章 結論 78
一、別居是女性空間的另一個出口 78
二、別居創造美滿家庭的夢 79
三、別居使用權的拉扯 80
四、在別居中揮之不去的傳統束縛 81
五、別居提供女性自我追求的「想像空間」 82
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