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研究生(外文):Wei-Chih Huang
論文名稱(外文):The study of metal particles and releasing ions inducing cell death on J774 macrophages
外文關鍵詞:total joint prosthesisrotational electrode processwear particlesCoCrMo particlescobalt particlesnickel particlesbiocompatibilities
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Most of the total joint prosthesis used currently are made of metal base and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Wear debris from UHMWPE (found in the artificial joint implants) may easily cause osteolysis, which may lead to the loosening of the implant and, hence, failure of prosthesis.
The materials used in the researches in the past on simulating wear particles from the joint prosthesis were mostly pure metal particles, but there were a lot of differences between the real compositions of joint prosthesis and pure metal particles. This study used the Co-Cr-Mo alloy particles created by rotational electrode process, cobalt, nickel pure metal particles and cobalt, nickel chemical compound as materials, and cultured J774 murine macrophage with these materials for examine the biocompatibility.
As a result, Co-Cr-Mo alloy particles created by rotational electrode process, cobalt, nickel pure metal particles and cobalt, nickel chemical compound all cause cytotoxicity to the cells, but the Co-Cr-Mo alloy particles were less cytotoxic to cobalt, nickel pure metal particles. And we found that cobalt, nickel pure metal particles would release ions in solutions, we supposed that the reason of the death of the cells made by metal particles includes the cytotoxicity created by the release of ions.
This study produced the Co-Cr-Mo alloy particles successfully by rotational electrode process, to simulate the wear particles from the joint prosthesis. It provides an alternative way to experiment in relative researches in the future.
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 2
縮寫對照表 4
第一章 緒論 6
1.1 生醫材料與人工關節材料的發展 6
1.1.1 生醫材料之研究與發展 6
1.1.2 人工關節材料之發展 7
1.1.3 常用金屬植入材料 8
1.1.4 生物相容性 11
1.1.5 生醫金屬材料的腐蝕與磨耗 14
1.2 生物反應 16
1.2.1 細胞死亡 16
1.2.2 鈷、鎳離子的毒性 17
1.2.3 磨耗顆粒誘導的發炎 19
1.2.4 活性氧 20
1.3 旋轉電極法原理及應用 21
1.4 研究動機 23
第二章 材料與實驗方法 25
2.1 測試材料 25
2.1.1 旋轉電極法自製鈷鉻鉬顆粒 25
2.2 掃瞄穿透式電子顯微鏡與能量分散光譜儀分析 27
2.3 原子吸收光譜儀 27
2.4 細胞培養 28
2.5 錐蟲藍排除法 28
2.6 細胞存活率試驗 28
2.7 Acridine Orange 染色細胞型態分析 29
2.8 Particle-soaked solution試驗 29
2.9 統計分析 30
第三章 實驗結果 31
3.1 生醫材料顆粒之型態與成份分析 31
3.2 金屬顆粒和離子造成J774細胞死亡 31
3.3 EDTA可抑制細胞因金屬顆粒或離子造成的死亡 32
3.4 Acridine Orange 染色細胞型態分析 33
3.5 Particle-soaked solution試驗及離子釋放量分析 33
第四章 討論 35
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