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研究生(外文):Chih-Kuang Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study of plasma remelting the slag of the incinerator
外文關鍵詞:plasmaprous ceramicsslag
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焚化爐,煉鋼廠等產生之大量灰渣,多為金屬氧化物如氧化鋁,二氧化矽,氧化鈣等; 如將其棄置,會造成環保的問題,如能回收利用,並創造出高的附加價值的產品,則為一舉兩得的解決辦法。
Great amounts of slags produced from incinerators or steel-makings contain Al2O3、SiO2 and CaO. If they were not disposed properly; the environment would be contaminated. However if they were recycled for the makings of valuable products, they would not be hazardous to the environment and would also be valuable.
A slag’s composition has many similar properties as a refractory; such as good heat insulation、 less high temperature reaction with metals、and good high- temperature-corrosion resistance.
The slags, especially foaming slags, would be potential materials for the inside-home-decorations due to their good insulation of heat and blocking of noise as well as chemical inert. The foaming slags would be beneficial in case of fire for they do not produce toxic gas easily and have good heat resistance. The time for escape would be increased. Therefore they have the potential of becoming new building materials.
The nuclear research Institute has found that foaming slag would be formed during the plasma melting of waste. This brings up interest to know which conditions would be favorable to the production of foaming slag. Therefore this project is intended to study the mechanism of formation of foaming slag with plasma melting by thermodynamics and kinetics analysis.
This study will investigate the formation of foaming slag with laboratory plasma melting facilities to melt different mixtures of metal oxides with necessary fluxes.
The experiments will be carried out in plasma torch introduced with different gases and flow rates, and different graphite anode designs to examine the feasibility of slag- forming.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 ⅩⅡ

第一章 前言 1

第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 發泡陶瓷製成簡介 3
2-1-1 自燒結(SHS) 3
2-1-2 溶凝膠(Sol-Gel) 4
2-1-3 腐蝕析出相造孔 5
2-1-4 硬脂酸(STA) 6
2-1-5 電漿熔煉(PAM) 7
2-2 發泡陶瓷的機械性質回顧 8
2-2-1 Sol-Gel所形成多孔狀氧化鋁之強度 8
2-2-2 PVB粉末燒結製程的機械性質 8
2-3 熔渣的結構 13
2-3-1 分子結構理論 13
2-3-2 離子結構理論 14
2-4 接觸角與濕潤 23

第三章 實驗方法與步驟 27
3-1 熔渣發泡與高溫物性實驗 27
3-1-1 電漿熔煉實驗 28
3-1-2 接觸角實驗 28
3-1-3 黏度實驗 29
3-1-4 自行設計之ESR實驗 29
3-1-5 DTA分析實驗 30
3-1-6 立體光學顯微鏡觀察 31
3-1-7 掃描穿透式點子顯微鏡(SEM)與能量分散光譜儀(EDS)分析 31
3-2 實驗設備 33
3-2-1 電漿熔煉設備 33
3-2-2 高溫接觸角測量儀 35
3-2-3 高溫黏度計設備 38
3-2-4 ESR實驗設備 43
3-3 實驗原理 45
3-3-1 電漿熔煉原理 45
3-3-2 高溫接觸角測量儀原理 49
3-3-3 高溫黏度計測定原理 50
3-4 實驗步驟 52
3-4-1 電漿熔煉操作步驟 52
3-4-2 高溫接觸角測量步驟 53
3-4-3 黏度量測步驟 54
3-4-4 ESR熔煉步驟 55
3-5 黏度計校正及其公式 56

第四章 實驗結果與討論 58
4-1 電漿實驗結果 58
4-2 高溫接觸角實驗 66
4-3 高溫黏度結果與討論 89
4-4 ESR實驗結果 95
4-5 DTA 105
4-6 SEM與EDAX分析 107

第五章 結論 115

第六章 參考文獻 117
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