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研究生(外文):Yu-Ching Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Selling goods, Vending images: Media Workers'' Mediated Labor Process and Image Capital
指導教授(外文):Pei-Chia Lan
外文關鍵詞:mass medialabor processimage capital
  • 被引用被引用:9
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一、 看不見又看得見的媒介銷售過程



How can a seller vend goods to customers if s/he cannot see their face, touch their bodies and talk to them directly? Trying to solve these puzzles, I walked into the hidden abode of TV home shopping industry, doing participate observation in the Taiwan’s largest TV home shopping company.

TV home shopping was not introduced to Taiwan until 1992. Its emergence announced the birth of new salespeople, TV home shopping hosts. Not more than a decade, according to news reports, it became a “miracle” in Taiwan’s (media) economy. Since TV home shopping can earn thousands of million dollars in a year, many big corporations are attracted to attempt to occupy this field. Now there are seven TV home shopping channels dominated by three companies in Taiwan.

Only walking into the production core of this media consumption industry, one can really uncover the myth of this black box. “On-live” is the most important characteristic of TV home shopping production because it can build a quasi-real selling environment for hosts and control uncertainties from customers through the aids of customer-service sector and one highly-feedback computer system governed by the producer in a controlling room. Furthermore, the producer is one who can really “see” customers’ (the computer can show customers’ age, living area, sex and so on). So, after analyzing data shown on the computer, the producer can guide hosts what kind of customers should they to imagine, and direct them to use what kind of selling skills. In other words, by this on-live production, the new salespeople can use their image to communicate to audience, or potential customers, like traditional sellers do, and the producer who is responsible for “capturing” customers is like their brain and eyes.

Therefore I explore the concepts of “commodification of image” and “image capital” to analyze such new salespeople’s mediated labor process since they not only sell various kinds of goods, but vend their images on TV. Both researchers from media study and sociology seldom focus on media workers, my paper can fulfill this lack and give contribution to the labor process theory and media study.
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
第一節 新銷售員之生 …………………………………………………2
第二節 資本主義下的勞動者商品化 …………………………………5
第三節 研究設計 ………………………………………………………13

第二章 幻想牢籠的基本圖像 ……………………………………….15
第一節 電視購物的過去,與現在 ……………………………………16
第二節 電視購物工作者的勞動條件 …………………………………20

第三章 銷售商品:媒介銷售過程的運作 …………………………26
第一節 銷售雙人舞 ……………………………………………………26
第二節 雙重不確定性的控制 …………………………………………29
第三節 勞動現場的多重權力關係……………………………………..40

第四章 販賣形象:購物專家的商品化與形象資本 ………………45
第一節 形象資本的構成及積累條件 …………………………………46
第二節 形象資本的轉換、賦權與掠奪 ………………………………52
第三節 甘願的形塑與剝削的掩飾 ……………………………………60

第五章 結論與討論 ………………………………………………..69
第一節 媒介勞動過程的獨特性與一般性 …………………………. .69
第二節 未竟之功 …………………………………………………….. 71
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