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研究生(外文):Cheng Kao
論文名稱(外文):Enterprise Resourse Planning Implementation Case Study-Search Solution for Military Logistic Management
外文關鍵詞:Enterprise Resource PlanningERP implementation strategyMilitary Logistic Management Information System
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企業資源規劃(ERP)系統可以有效整合企業跨部門的資訊系統作業,使企業經營能快速的因應變化。在功能不斷的擴充之下,至今已有適合各類型企業應用的模組,在企業界的運用從製造業延伸到服務業。採用ERP系統的主要效益為可以經由企業體內的資訊流整合,提升內部作業效率而增加競爭力;因為採用商用現貨軟體(COTS)以及最佳實務(Best Practice),使得系統開發建置時間縮短,建置推展後效率可以快速提升。由於ERP的複雜性甚高,在導入的選項中許多策略性的考量,對導入的成敗有深遠的影響,在專案的進行中先實施營運流程再造(BPR)再配合ERP才能真正實現資訊流整合帶來的效益。
Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)system is capable of integrate the information processes across division boundaries, to facilitate enterprise adapt rapid changing environment. Due to the continuously expansion of functions, now there are models fit to all kinds of enterprise operation, and applications are expanding from manufacture to service industries. The major benefits of using ERP system is through integrate the information flow within the enterprise will increase the compatibility of the enterprise by improving the operation efficiency. Utilize commercial off-the-shelf(COTS) software and Best Practice, the schedule for system development and implement can be shorten, and the operation efficiency can raise in a short period after roll-out. Since the ERP is highly complex system, there are a lot of strategically options to consider, which will affect the success or failure of implementation. During implement, the Business Process Re-engineering shall at place first, along with utilize ERP as the tool to realize the benefit of information flow integration.
This research study the ERP system implementation cases of the Network Company and U.S. Defense organization to observe the relationship between the selection of functional models and the original goals set for implement; and the factors influence the implementation strategy. Decisions on select how many existing functional models and re-engineering the processes to fit the models have to be made. The operation and complexity of the Network Company case belongs to small or median scale enterprise standard. The ERP core functions are choose from COTS provided by a very famous company. The Human Resource and Financial Management models are choice from local provider which the products are tailored to fit the local law and common business practice. The U.S. Department of Defense and Services are giant organization, the scale and complexity of implement ERP is very high. It will takes years and divided into phases to complete the programs, but those cases proof ERP can be implemented in defense organization and military process domains.
The Military Forces of our country have a long history to utilize information system in logistic management; each Service implemented in unique way to satisfy their specific requirement. These results in too many systems exist in Nation Defense Enterprise, and each system has their own data base, which stores duplicated data. This will also incur high operation and maintain cost. In recent years, the Minister of National Defense has preceded the efforts to re-engineering the military organization. The logistic branch has downsizing with consolidate the Logistic Commands of Services, and enable the integration of the Logistic information system. Implement ERP system to integrate the logistic information systems from different Services can be an option. We can apply the concept of ERP to conduct military logistic processes. The COTS financial and accounting models are the foundation, together with customized military logistic Maintenance, Supply and Acquisition models to the Core of Military Logistic ERP System. Add on the Workflow platform and Portal, the logistic management information operation will be able quickly extent to lowest echelon War fighters.
摘要 三
目錄 五
圖目錄 八
表目錄 一
第1章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 研究架構 2
第2章 ERP概述 4
2.1. ERP的發展與沿革 4
2.2. ERP系統的發展 6
2.3. ERP系統的目的 7
2.4. ERP的建置 9
2.5. 影響ERP專案成敗之因素 11
2.5.1. 前置作業的重要性 11
2.5.2. 人的重要性 13
2.5.3. 保持系統的完整性 13
2.5.4. 明確的目標與持續性的策略 14
2.6. 美國ERP系統供應商現況 14
2.6.1. 一個組織有多家ERP供應商與實體 15
2.6.2. 界面問題 16
2.7. CIO雜誌調查 16
2.7.1. 主要發現 16
2.8. ERP系統導入有關統計 16
第3章 ERP導入個案研討 19
3.1. 甲公司ERP系統的導入 19
3.1.1. 甲公司背景介紹 20
3.1.2. 建議之競爭策略 22
3.2. 現況分析 25
3.2.1. 銷售系統現行作業面臨之瓶頸 26
3.2.2. 採購與庫存系統現行作業面臨之瓶頸 27
3.2.3. 財務系統現行作業面臨之瓶頸 28
3.3. 建議解決方案藍圖與效益分析 29
3.3.1. 全球佈局解決方案 29
3.3.2. 甲公司ERP導入後銷售管理作業效益 32
3.3.3. 甲公司ERP導入後採購與庫存管理作業效益 33
3.3.4. 甲公司ERP導入後委外生產管理作業效益 34
3.3.5. 甲公司ERP導入後財務作業效益 35
3.3.6. 甲公司ERP導入後資訊系統流程與效益 36
3.4. 導入實務 37
3.5. 甲公司導入ERP之討論 40
第4章 國防組織導入ERP之研討 43
4.1. 美國國防組織導入ERP 43
4.1.1. 美國政府導入ERP系統情形 45
4.1.2. 美國國防部實施企業整合 46
4.1.3. 美國國防部後勤ERP系統導入情形 47
4.2. 美國海軍ERP導入個案 49
4.2.1. 美國海軍組織簡介 49
4.2.2. 美國海軍ERP簡介 50
4.2.3. 美國海軍ERP導入實務 51
4.3. 我國軍事後勤管理資訊系統之個案 56
4.3.1. 陸用後勤資訊系統現況 56
4.3.2. 海用後勤資訊系統現況 58
4.3.3. 空用後勤資訊系統現況 62
4.3.4. 通用後勤資訊系統現況 65
4.3.5. 我國軍事後勤管理資訊系統未來發展 67
第5章 以ERP為整合平台的後勤管理系統 69
5.1後勤管理資訊系統改進之需要 69
5.2 後勤ERP系統功能架構 70
5.3 後勤ERP系統導入策略 74
5.4 後勤ERP導入成功關鍵因素 78
第6章 結論及建議 80
6.1. 研究結論 80
6.2. 研究建議 81
6.3. 研究限制 81
附錄 ORACLE ERP功能敘述 82
參考文獻 89
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