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研究生(外文):Wei-Lun Yang
論文名稱(外文):Congruency Effects of Recommender Source and Purchase Goal of Benefit on Consumers’ Attitudes
外文關鍵詞:recommender sourcepurchase goalhedonic
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Endorsers play an important role in the marketing. In our daily life, consumers often hesitate to make purchase decisions because consumers have too much information to digest. Prior research focused too much on physical attractiveness and the product types. In our study, we have considered the consumers’ attitudes toward the products combining with the purchase goal of benefit and the image or concept of the endorsers.
This study is a 2 (recommender source) x 2 (purchase goal of benefit) between subject experimental design. Two purchase goal of benefit are manipulated as utilitarian and hedonic purchase goals; while two recommender sources are including cognitive-based and affective-based. This study examines how recommender sources affect consumers’ evaluations, attractiveness and attitudes toward the products and the confidence in the recommenders based on different purchase goals.
The result shows all recommender sources are not equally influential in each purchase goal of benefit. When the consumers’ goal is utilitarian, they will have more favorable attitudes toward the brand recommended by a cognitive spokesperson than an affective spokesperson, and vice versa. The results also show that recommenders influence consumers’ attitudes which is moderated by the type of the cognitive in- formation in utilitarian goal and the affective information in hedonic goal.
This study has also some implications for retailers. If the firms could distinguish purchase goals of consumers at first, they could use the suitable endorsers who match to influence consumers’ attitudes. The firms could even try to manipulate suitable scenarios or advertisements for its products.
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..Ⅱ

LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………...5
RESEARCH HYPOTHSES………………………………………….17
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS………………………………………..29
GENERAL DISCUSSIONS…………………………………………..35
FUTURE DIRRECTION…………………………………………….36
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