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研究生(外文):Chi-Jun Sheu
論文名稱(外文):Identification and Application of Functional Protein Substructure Base on Local Structure Comparison
外文關鍵詞:protein structure comparisonlocal structure comparison
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在實驗方面,針對已知的蛋白脢,我們將找出來的片段與具有生化功能的基質用jmol3D蛋白質檢視工具顯示出來,可以發現我們所找出來的片段都會在基質的附近,這表示我們所找出來的片段,確實具有某程度的生物意義。另外,將我們的演算法與林育星 95年的「利用蛋白質序列與結構關係預測酵素種類」演算法做比較。我們也確實能補足他的演算法在某些EC number中無法找出pattern的缺陷。
The functions of proteins are mainly affected by their structures. Therefore, the study of protein structures is helpful to realize the protein function. Protein structure comparison algorithm is one of the important tools in protein structure research.
In this thesis, we introduce a protein local structure comparison method. We try to find the common local substructures from proteins which have the same biochemical function. And then we can use those substructures to predict the protein function. In our algorithm has four main steps:1. pair-wise protein local structure comparison to find the common local substructures. 2. calculate the similarity between substructures. 3. cluster substructures by similarity 4. find the representative pattern.
In our experiment, we use the protein 3D viewer Jmol to show the location of patterns which we find and substrate. We can find out that patterns are near the substrates. Therefore, we can announce the patterns have some biochemical meaning. In addition, we compared our algorithm with 「Enzyme class prediction via mining conserved region in sequence and structure」algorithm(Lin ,2006). We can find patterns from the EC numbers which it can’t find any patterns.
目錄 iv
圖表目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 1
1.3. 論文架構 2
Chapter 2 蛋白質結構比對之相關研究 3
2.1. 相關演算法研究 3
2.1.1. 相關名詞定義 3
2.1.2. 相似度定義 5
2.1.3. 動態規劃演算法 (Dynamic programming) 7
2.1.4. 幾何雜湊演算法(Geometric hashing) 8
2.1.5. Enzyme Classification(EC)numbers 10
2.1.6. 修正(Refinement) 10
2.2. 分群演算法 11
2.2.1. K-Means 11
2.2.2. 階層式的分群 11
2.3. 蛋白質結構比對演算法的種類 13
2.4. 以胺基酸序列片段為基礎的蛋白質結構比對演算法 15
2.4.1. ProSup 16
2.4.2. FLASH(Fast alignment for finding structural homology of proteins) 16
2.4.3. 複雜度分析 17
2.5. 以局部結構比對為基礎的蛋白質結構比對演算法 17
2.5.1. 利用蛋白質序列與結構關係預測酵素種類[22] 18
Chapter 3 以局部結構比對為基礎的蛋白質功能性片段的尋找與應用 21
3.1. 問題定義 21
3.2. Flow chart of proposed protein local structure comparison and predict method 22
3.3. 以橢圓模型為基礎的蛋白質結構局部比對(A protein local structure comparison method based on hyper-ellipsoidal clusters) 23
3.3.1. Flow chart of protein local structure comparison 23
3.3.2. 對蛋白質上的二級結構與Coils做分群 24
3.3.3. 篩選座標系 26
3.3.4. 蛋白質結構比對 27
3.4. 求片段之間的相似關係(Find the similarity of all substructures) 29
3.5. 片段分群(Substructure Clustering) 30
3.6. 尋找代表性局部相似結構(fine representative pattern) 30
3.7. 未知蛋白質功能預測(protein function predict) 31
Chapter 4 實驗 32
4.1. 實驗一、利用EC number找pattern 32
4.2. 實驗二、與其它演算法做比較 36
4.2.1. 找不到pattern的EC number 36
4.2.2. 找的到pattern的EC number 37
4.2.3. 討論: 39
4.3. 實驗三、未知蛋白質功能預測 39
Chapter 5 結論與未來展望: 41
5.1. 結果討論 41
5.2. 相關比較 41
5.3. 改進方式 42
5.3.1. 事先做整體序列比對 42
5.3.2. 局部結構片段比對速度提升 43
5.4. 未來展望 43
5.4.1. 建立pattern資料庫 43
5.4.2. 將pattern依EC number的階層做分類 43
5.4.3. 套用binding site資訊 44
參考資料 45
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