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研究生(外文):Jian-Bang Chen
論文名稱(外文):Failure analysis of double hull structure in ship collision
外文關鍵詞:ship collisionstretching modeperforating modedenting modedouble hull
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Collision and grounding may cause serious injury of ship structure and oil pollutions on the sea. In order to prevent this kind of disaster and reduce the loss, the US Coast Guard introduced the design of double-hull tankers to avoid the leakage of oil from the struck ship fifteen years ago. The mechanics of ship collision and grounding are very complex topics because the complexity of ship structure, and multiple failure modes may occurred for damaged parts. In the past decades, the damage modes have been categorized into different fundamental modes, and the approximated methods have also been developed based on the combinations of suitable fundamental modes. The structures of double-hull tanker includes side plate, inner plate, stiffeners, web frame, decks and girder, it is necessary to understand the failure mechanism of each component and the interaction of each part. In this paper the formulae to approximate the energy dissipation and the impact resistance of a stuck double-hull structure based on Stretching mode and folding mode have been derived. The denting mode of girder and crushing mode of the crossing girder also been discussed. In this paper FEM analysis were compared with the simplified estimate formulae. The double-hull models from Wang(2000) was selected as care study. The damage process of double-hull structures was analyzed by FEM, the result of experiment, FEM analysis and simplified estimate formulae are compared. The results show that the proposed approximate method have acceptable accuracies.
摘要 一

目錄 三

圖目錄 五

表目錄 八

第一章 導論 1
1.1研究動機及目的 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.3研究方法 6

第二章 雙層殼的基本力學行為 8
2.1研究內部力學使用的的材料特性 9
2.2應變率對材料的影響 12
2.3極限強度與網格大小的關係 13
2.4船體結構雙層殼遭受側向撞擊的破壞模式 15

第三章 船殼板的拉伸與穿透破壞之探討 21
3.1板的拉伸破壞探討 21
3.2板的穿透破壞探討 37

第四章 肋骨的摺皺破壞與壓潰破壞之探討 45
4.1摺皺破壞估算 45
4.2交叉肋骨的壓潰破壞估算 61

第五章 雙層殼遭受側向撞擊結構損壞分析 69
5.1分析模型介紹 69
5.2 P-50模型分析比較 74
5.3 W-50模型分析比較 81
5.4 C-50模型分析比較 87

第六章 結論與展望 93
6.1結果討論 93
6.2未來展望 94

參考文獻 95
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