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研究生(外文):Po-Min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Automatic White Balance with Color Temperature Estimation
外文關鍵詞:white balancecolor temperaturecolor constancyawb
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This thesis discusses automatic white balance in digital camera. Auto white balance is the most important image processing step in the image pipeline of digital camera, since it controls the color appearance of the image. Without auto white balance adjustment, the photo will become bluish under high color temperature and have reddish color cast under low color temperature. Therefore, a camera with good auto white balance method produces accurate and satisfactory color appearance, and good image quality.
In the beginning, we introduce what automatic white balance is and its importance. Then, we describe several previous methods and indicate these methods’ main drawbacks. Furthermore, we propose a novel and robust automatic white balance method by using color temperature estimation. Finally, we use objective and subjective evaluations to evaluate these methods. By experimental results, we can find that our method has robust and satisfactory results and is popular for most users.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Automatic White Balance in Image Pipeline 1
1.2 Color Temperature 2
1.3 Color Constancy 4
Chapter 2 Basic Method for Automatic White Balance 6
2.1 Gray World Assumption (GWA) 6
2.2 Specular Reflection Assumption (SRA) 9
Chapter 3 White Point Detection Method 13
3.1 White Object Purification 15
3.2 White Object Detection 17
3.3 White Balance Adjustment 18
Chapter 4 Color Temperature Estimation Method 25
4.1 Lin and Chen’s Method 27
4.2 Drawbacks of Lin and Chen’s Method 32
Chapter 5 Our Method 38
5.1 Preliminary Preparation 39
5.2 Gray Point Sieving and Color Temperature Scoring 48
5.3 Color Temperature Estimation and White Balance Adjustment 53
Chapter 6 Experimental Results 60
6.1 Simulation Methods 60
6.2 Test Images Selection 61
6.3 Evaluative Values of Simulations 73
6.4 Complexity 76
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Work 77
7.1 Conclusion 77
7.2 Future Work 78
References 79
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