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研究生(外文):Rai-Min Huang
論文名稱(外文):DC and AC Analysis of Dual Material Double Gate SOI MOS Device
外文關鍵詞:dual materialdouble gatecapacitance
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This thesis reports an analysis of DC and AC behavior of dual-material (DM) double-gate (DG) fully-depleted (FD) silicon on insulator (SOI) MOS device.

In chapter 1, we make an introduction for SOI device and describe its evolution from bulk device and propose a new structure called dual-material double-gate fully-depleted silicon on insulator MOS device.

In chapter 2, we discuss the DC phenomenon of a 100nm DMDG FD SOI MOS device with the N+ poly top gate and different ratio N+/P+ poly bottom gate and different thin film doping.

In chapter 3, we discuss the capacitance phenomenon of a 100nm DMDG FD SOI MOS device with the N+ poly top gate and different ratio N+/P+ poly bottom gate and different thin film doping.
1 導論 1
1-1 為什麼是SOI元件 1
1-2 部份解離 vs. 完全解離 2
1-3 SOI MOS元件 3
1-4 DG SOI MOS 元件 4
1-5 DG FD SOI MOS元件 5
1-7 本篇論文的目標 7

2 通道長度100奈米雙材料雙閘完全解離絕緣體上矽金氧半元件,當上閘極為N+多晶矽,下閘極分別是N+和P+多晶矽不同比例的混合和不同的薄膜摻雜濃度時,其直流現象的分析 8
2-1 元件結構簡介 8
2-2 電流現象分析 10
2-3 電位現象分析 12
2-4 電場現象分析 15
2-5 改變薄膜濃度的比較 20
2-6 結論 26

3 通道長度100奈米雙閘完全解離絕緣體上矽金氧半元件,當上閘極為N+多晶矽,下閘極分別是N+和P+多晶矽不同比例的混合和不同的薄膜摻雜濃度時,其電容現象的分析 27
3-1 簡介 27
3-2 電容現象 28
3-3 電容行為的分析 30
3-4 等效電容模型 39
3-5 改變薄膜濃度的比較 43
3-6 結論 46

4 總結 47

參考文獻 48
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