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研究生(外文):Chu-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Enhancing Silicon Luminescence Efficiency with Nano-Structures
外文關鍵詞:siliconlight emitting diodeMOSp-n junctionexcimer laser
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最後,為了量測所製作之超淺PN接面特性,我們將元件加工,蒸鍍上金屬電極,配合Van der Pauw 方法和數值計算,得到一套量測PN接面元件之摻雜密度、擴散層面電阻的方法,期望配合製作PN接面元件的實驗,能夠找到最佳的實驗參數,使得矽發光效率能夠進一步的突破。
Silicon light source is a very important research to improve data transmission rate in VLSI industry. This thesis aims at the research of using silicon nanostructure to enhance the external quantum efficiency of metal-oxide-silicon light emitting diode. We hope this device will become an applicable light source and can be integrated in VLSI in the future.
We design two kinds of structure to reach the purpose. One of the device structures of luminescence diode we use is metal-oxide-silicon. We use SiO2 nano-particles to form the oxide layer. Then, the rough surface would result in 3-D carrier confinement. The light emission efficiency is enhanced and nearly lasing phenomenon is found. The other device structure we use is p-n junction which is made with excimer laser assistance. The junction has more carrier numbers and can avoid the influence of the silicon interface state. Aluminum nano-particles and SOD solution are used to be the diffusion source. The external quantum efficiency could exceed 1×10-5.
Finally, we measure the characteristics of p-n junction device. Metal evaporation is used as electrode on the device. We use Van der Pauw way to calculate the diffusion density and the diffusion layer thickness. Through the investigation of diffusion characteristics, it is expected that p-n junction devices can be improved for the enhancement of light emission from silicon in the future.
第一章 簡介
1.1簡介 1
1.2論文導覽 13
參考文獻 14
第二章 使用二氧化矽奈米粒子製作金氧矽發光二極體
2.1簡介 19
2.2元件製作 21
2.3金氧矽發光二極體電特性與發光特性 26
2.4金氧矽發光二極體電特性與發光頻譜量測 32
2.5在金氧矽發光二極體觀察得到近似雷射現象 38
2.6結論 46
參考文獻 48
第三章 使用準分子雷射輔助製作PN 接面
3.1簡介 50
3.2使用鋁奈米粒子混合溶液之製程與量測 52
3.3使用SOD的混合溶液之製程與量測 61
3.4元件電激發光特性之量測與分析 66
3.5結論 67
參考文獻 68
第四章 使用準分子雷射輔助擴散雜質之量測分析
4.1簡介 70
4.2精確電阻量測實驗 73
4.3元件製作過程 76
4.4元件量測與結果 78
4.5結論 83
參考文獻 84
第五章 總結
5.1論文回顧 85
5.2未來展望 87
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