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研究生(外文):Kuo-Wei Chang
論文名稱(外文):Fast Eigenvector Algorithm for Discrete Fourier Transform and Number Theoretic Transform
指導教授(外文):Soo-Chang Pei
外文關鍵詞:Discrete Fourier TransformNumber Theoretic TransformEigenvector
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最後,我們在第三部分將專注於退化四元數,又稱雙複數。雙複數有兩種運用,一個用在陣列信號處理,另一個則用在四元有限場轉換。前者跟著名的MUSIC演算法有關, 後者則是跟複數數論轉換有關。
This dissertation is composed of three parts. The first part discusses two topics in number theory, Gauss Sum and Ramanujan Sum, respectively. We will not only research some basic properties of these Sums, but also study their applications in digital signal processing, especially in discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Because Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) has similar traits with DFT, we will also talk about it.
The second part of this dissertation discusses the topic in the efficient bit and digital reversal algorithm, using vector calculation. The novel algorithm takes the advantage of MATLAB’s vector characteristics and can be implemented by no more than 4 lines MATLAB procedures.
Finally, we will focus on Reduced Biquaternions (RB), also called Bicomplex numbers, in the third part of this paper. There are two applications to the RB. One is array processing and the other is quaternion finite field transform. The former is related to the MUSIC algorithm; the latter is similar to complex NTT.
Part A Number theory and its applications in DFT……………………………………………1
Chapter 1 Using Gauss Sequence to calculate eigenvectors of Normalized DFT matrix…... ……………………………………3
1.1 Introduction……………………………. 3
1.2 Definition………………………………...4
1.3 Construct eigenvectors of Normalized DFT matrix with odd N………………...4
1.4 Construct eigenvectors of Normalized DFT matrix with even N………………10
Chapter 2 Using Gauss Sequence to calculate eigenvectors of Normalized NTT matrix………………………………………..12
2.1 Introduction…………………………. .12
2.2 Definition………………………………12
2.3 Construct eigenvectors of NTT matrix with p=4k+3...........................................13
2.4 Construct eigenvectors of NTT matrix with p=4k+1…………………………...19
2.5 Conclusion and Future work…………21
Chapter 3 Odd Ramanujan Sums of the Complex Roots of Unity…………………….25
3.1 Introduction…………………………...25
3.2 Odd Signals (mod r) and their Fourier Coefficients…………………………….26
3.3 Z-Domain Characteristic of Odd Signal and Odd Ramanujan Sums……….….32
3.4 Conclusion………………………..……33
Part B Fast Bit and Digital Reversal Algorithm…..37
Chapter 4 Efficient Bit and Digital Reversal Algorithm using Vector Calculation……….39
4.1 Introduction……………………….…..39
4.2 Using vector calculation…………...…40
4.3 Table look-up method……...…………41
4.4 Generalization to digit reversal…...…43
4.5 New in-place algorithm……..………..44
4.6 Comparison…………..……………….45
4.7 Conclusion…………………………….47
Part C Reduced Biquaternions…………………….49
Chapter 5 Bicomplex MUSIC for Vector-Sencor Array Processing…………...51
5.1 Introduction………………………….51
5.2 The Bicomplex algebra………...……51
5.3 Polarization Model……….………….52
5.4 Bicomplex Covariance Matrix and BMUSIC……………………………...54
5.5 Simulation Results…………...………56
5.6 Conclusion and Future work………..57
Chapter 6 The Quaternion Finite Field Transforms…………………………………..61
6.1 Introduction……………………...…61
6.2 The RB over GF(q)…………………61
6.3 Finite Field Transform over GF (q4)…………………………………...63
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