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研究生(外文):Ping-Chieh Yang
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Critic Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Wheeled Robot
外文關鍵詞:Adaptive critic designtracking controlmobile robotneural network
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The trajectory tracking controller of a wheeled mobile robot (WMR) is designed to compose an adaptive critic velocity controller and a neural network based posture controller. The learning algorithm of the adaptive critic velocity controller is derived by using dual heuristic programming (DHP) method. This adaptive critic design enables the WMR system to comply with variant road conditions. The posture controller design uses MLP neural network to learn the inverse drive model of WMR. The training patterns are obtained by continuously driving WMR with a variety of velocities. Vision information about a desired trajectory in the near future is utilized in both path planner and posture controller. This information can prepare the WMR system for changes in the trajectory in advance. Extensive simulation studies have verified the feasibility of the proposed design.
摘要 i
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of this research 1
1.2 Motivation and Contribution 3
1.3 Organization of This Thesis 4
Chapter 2 5
Design Methods of Adaptive Critic Neural Control System 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Adaptive critic neural control with heuristic dynamic programming 9
2.3 Adaptive critic neural control with dual heuristic programming 13
2.4 Adaptive critic neural control with globalized dual heuristic programming 17
2.5 Summary 20
Chapter 3 23
Design of Adaptive Critic Trajectory Tracking Control System 23
3.1 Architecture of the trajectory tracking control system 23
3.2 Adaptive critic design of the velocity controller 24
3.2.1 Architecture of adaptive critic velocity controller 25
3.2.2 The utility function 25
3.2.3 The action network 26
3.2.4 The critic network and the verification network 27
3.2.5 The plant model 29
3.2.6 Training algorithm of the adaptive critic velocity controller 29
3.3 Design of the posture controller 31
3.3.1 Learning the inverse drive model by neural network 31
3.3.2 Learning of neural network 34
3.4 Path planning 36
3.4.1 Path planner 36
3.4.2 Position planner 37
Chapter 4 41
Adaptive Critic Trajectory Tracking Control of Wheeled Mobile Robot 41
4.1 Model of wheeled mobile robot (WMR) 41
4.2 Adaptive critic trajectory tracking control of WMR 44
4.3 Simulation studies of adaptive critic WMR control 46
4.3.1 Performance of adaptive critic velocity controller 46
4.3.2 Performance of neural network based inverse drive model 57
4.3.3 Performance of trajectory tracking control 71
Chapter 5 83
Conclusion 83
Appendix A 85
Parameters of the trained control system 85
A.1 Parameters of the trained posture controller 85
A.1.1 Parameters of the trained linear inverse drive model neural network in section 3.3.1 85
A.1.2 Parameters of the trained angular inverse drive model neural network in section 3.3.1 87
A.2 Parameters of the trained velocity controller 89
A.2.1 Parameters of the trained action network in section 3.2.3 89
A.2.2 Parameters of the trained critic and verification networks in section 3.2.4 89
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