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研究生(外文):Ben-Sheng Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Analytical Approach to Harmonic Analysis and Controller Design of a STATCOM
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Yih Hsu
外文關鍵詞:statcomharmonicsinvertermodulation index
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本博士論文首先分析傳統靜態同步補償器(Static Synchronous Compensator, STATCOM)控制器的優缺點,利用對靜態同步補償器輸出功率的靈敏度分析,得知要控制補償器輸出虛功大小時,直接對靜態同步補償器輸出電壓大小作控制,會比對相角作控制來得有效。其次在博士論文中也提出一個基於第一類Bessel函數的解析式諧波分析方法,由諧波分析的結果,可得知在穩態情況下,當調變係數被固定為1.0時,靜態同步補償器輸出電壓的總諧波失真會是最低,本論文利用此結論提出兩個新靜態同步補償器控制器。
Steady-state harmonics and transient performance of the conventional static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) controllers are first investigated. Based on the sensitivity analysis of the STATCOM output power, it is found that the voltage magnitude is more effective than the phase angle in controlling the reactive power output. An analytical approach to harmonic analysis of a STATCOM based on Bessel functions of the first kind is described. Harmonic analysis of the STATCOM using the proposed analytical approach reveals that the total harmonic distortion of the STATCOM output voltage is minimal as the modulation index is fixed at unity at steady state. Based on these results, two new STACOM controllers are proposed in order to achieve both minimal steady-state harmonics and fast transient response.
The first STATCOM controller proposed in this thesis is one with a fixed modulation index reference. The modulation index is held constant at unity at steady state by the proposed STATCOM controller in order to minimize voltage and current harmonics. By comparing the voltage and current response curves and harmonic spectra obtained from the analytical approach, the computer simulations, and the experiments, it is concluded that minimal harmonics can be maintained at steady state and fast dynamic responses can be achieved to regulate ac system bus voltage by the proposed STATCOM controller through the fast adjustment of the modulation index during the transient period.
In the second proposed STATCOM controller, a variable DC capacitor voltage reference is employed to minimize voltage and current harmonics at steady state and to adjust DC capacitor voltage level and STATCOM output reactive power rapidly during the transient period. A systematic design procedure based on pole-zero cancellation, root locus method, and pole assignment method is developed in order to determine proper parameters for the current regulator, the DC voltage controller, and the AC voltage controller of the STATCOM. With the proposed STATCOM controller, harmonic distortions in the inverter output current and voltage can be reduced when the modulation index is held constant at unity in steady state. In addition, fast adjustment in the STATCOM output reactive power can be achieved to regulate AC bus voltage through the adjustment of DC voltage reference during the transient period. Simulation and experimental results for steady-state operating condition and transient operating conditions for the system subjected to reactive current step changing testing, three phase line to ground fault testing, and load changing testing are presented in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed STATCOM controller.
中文摘要 I
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
符 號 表 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 6
1-3 研究動機與目的 7
1-4 論文內容概述 10
第二章 傳統靜態同步補償器控制器簡介 13
2-1 靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)簡介 13
2-1-1 STATCOM基本架構 14
2-1-2 數學模型 15
2-1-3 靜態同步補償器輸出功率 20
2-1-4 靈敏度分析 22
2-2 傳統相角控制( -control)方法 22
2-2-1 線性相角控制方法[24] 23
2-2-2 非線性控制方法[26] 24
2-3 調變係數-相角控制(MI- control)之靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)[26] 25
2-3-1 解耦合電流控制 26
2-3-2 調變係數-相角控制原理 27
第三章 靜態同步補償器之解析式諧波分析方法 29
3-1 前言 29
3-2 變流器輸出電壓數學模型[38,42] 29
3-3 變流器輸出電壓和電流之總諧波失真 33
3-4 靜態同步補償器輸出濾波器設計 34
3-5 本章結論 36
第四章 固定調變係數之靜態同步補償器控制器 37
4-1 前言 37
4-2 系統描述 37
4-3 靜態同步補償器控制器設計 38
4-3-1 暫態調變係數控制器 40
4-3-2 穩態調變係數調整器 40
4-3-3 比例-積分控制器設計 41
4-4 實驗系統設計 44
4-4-1 靜態同步補償器主體電路 46
4-4-2 電壓和電流感測元件 47
4-4-3 鎖相迴路單元 47
4-4-4 類比轉數位轉換器模組 47
4-4-5 控制核心模組 47
4-5 穩態結果比較 48
4-5-1 穩態諧波效能 48
4-5-2 總諧波失真比較 53
4-6 動態響應 55
4-7 本章結論 56
第五章 變動直流電壓參考命令之靜態同步補償器控制器 58
5-1 前言 58
5-2 系統描述 59
5-3 靜態同步補償器控制器設計 61
5-3-1 電流調整器的設計 65
5-3-2 直流電壓控制器的設計 66
5-3-3 交流電壓控制器的設計 68
5-4 實驗系統設計 70
5-5 模擬結果 71
5-5-1 穩態諧波特性之模擬結果 71
5-5-2 諧波頻譜模擬比較 73
5-5-3 動態響應模擬 75
5-6 實驗結果 75
5-6-1 穩態諧波特性實驗結果 75
5-6-2 總諧波失真實驗結果 78
5-6-3 動態響應 80
5-7 本章結論 83
第六章 結論 85
6-1 本文之主要貢獻 85
6-2 未來之研究方向 86
參考文獻 88
作者簡介 93
著作 93
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