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研究生(外文):Po-En Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of New Type Integrated Solar Hot Water Heater
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本研究為證明迴路熱管裝置,能將熱能傳遞至儲水槽中儲存,故進行一個可行性模擬實驗,結果顯示系統總熱阻為0.34℃/W,迴路熱管熱阻為0.16℃/W,根據模擬實驗結果,設計出80L及50L新型儲能式太陽能熱水器芻型機,另外根據CNS B7277測試標準,建構一套太陽能熱水器自動監控設備,用來監測太陽能熱水器的性能。同時對新型儲能式太陽能熱水器進行系統模型分析及戶外測試,測試結果得系統總熱阻為0.369℃/W,集熱效率為0.4,並根據系統模型分析與實驗結果比對,其熱阻誤差值為8%,釋熱效率誤差值為8%。若能增加迴路熱管數目,如此能降低熱虹吸管熱阻,進而提高集熱效率至0.6。
The main purpose of the present project is to develop a new type of solar water heater that eliminates some disadvantages of the conventional systems. Three sets of loop heat pipe (LHP) were integrated into the heat transfer module, by thus the heat absorbed from solar heat collector is transfer into the hot water tank. LHP devices can transfer the collected heat in a downward direction, therefore the hot water tank can be located in the lower part of the solar collector. While the location of a conventional naturally-circulated solar water heater tank is confined to the upper part of solar collector, this new type LHP assisted solar water heater reduces the system bulkiness, as well as the complexity of on-site construction.
A feasibility test shows that a thermosiphon-LHP unit is capable to transfer collected heat to its condenser immersed in a hot water tank. The results show that the thermal resistance of this unit is 0.34℃/W, and that of the LHP part is 0.16℃/W. Two raw models of solar water heaters with 50 liters and 80 liters hot water tanks were designed according to the results of the previous feasibility test. In addition an automatic monitoring system was designed and set up for these two solar water heaters test according to national standard CNS B7277. The designed system was analyzed and tested on-site. The thermal resistance of the whole system is 0.369℃/W, and that of the thermal efficiency is 0.4, the discrepancy between the system analysis and on-site test are 8 % for thermal resistance and thermal efficiency. It is derived from the analysis that increase in LHP numbers can increase the thermal efficiency to 0.6, due to the reduction of thermal resistance of the thermosiphon units.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號說明 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.3 研究內容……………………………………………………….6
第二章 新型模組式太陽能熱水器可行性分析 9
2.1 新型模組式太陽能熱水器可行性探討 9
2.1.1實驗目的 10
2.1.2實驗設計 10
2.1.3實驗結果 14
2.1.4實驗討論 20
2.2 新型模組式太陽能熱水器系統設計規劃 21
2.2.1第一代新型模組式太陽能熱水器系統流程 21
2.2.2第一代新型模組式太陽能熱水器細部設計及硬體製作 22
2.2.3第二代新型模組式太陽能熱水器系統流程 41
2.2.4第二代新型模組式太陽能熱水器細部設計及硬體製作 42
第三章 新型模組式太陽能熱水器的系統整合測試 48
3.1太陽能熱水器性能測試項目 48
3.1.1集熱效率 48
3.1.2保溫效率 50
3.1.3釋熱效率 51
3.2戶外測試系統規劃及架設 52
3.2.1測試設備 52
3.2.2測試條件 52
3.2.3測試及監控流程 53
3.3太陽能熱水器性能測試結果 55
3.3.1集熱效率實驗結果 55
3.3.2保溫效率實驗結果 58
3.3.3釋熱效率實驗結果 60
第四章 ISHW的性能分析 62
4.1系統分析模型 62
4.2 ISHW熱傳分析 65
4.2.1集熱板熱性能分析 65
4.2.2熱阻分析 67
4.3 太陽能熱水器性能提升探討 71
4.3.1集熱效能 71
4.3.2釋熱效能 74
4.4 討論 77
第五章 結論與未來展望 80
5.1 結論 80
5.2 未來展望 84
參考文獻 85
作者簡歷 87
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