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研究生(外文):Po-Chun Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Development of Artificial Skin System and Integration into NTU-Hand IV
外文關鍵詞:tactile sensorartificial skindexterousforce controlfriction coneforce closure
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本篇論文之目的,是發展一套適用於實驗室已發展之NTU-Hand IV的人工皮膚,使NTU-Hand IV有觸覺的感知能力。此外並以模糊理論為基礎的抓握控制演算法,配合人工皮膚,提升NTU-Hand IV的抓握能力。
人工皮膚是由兩種感測器組成。正向力感測器是由撓性電極板和壓力導電橡膠 CSA(Pressure Conductive Rubber, CSA)結合而成,以感測正向力的大小及分佈;滑動感測器的材料是PVDF (PolyVinyliDene Fluoride),用以感測抓握物體的滑動情形。透過兩種感測器,使人工皮膚具有感測三維觸覺的感測能力。最後亦發展適用於人工皮膚之硬體、韌體及使用者圖形介面,並與獨立的控制系統作整合。
在抓握控制演算法方面,力量/位置混合控制為抓握控制的架構,並引進了以模糊控制為基礎的力量控制以及多感測器融合理論。在抓握時,將人工皮膚所感測到的訊號作為模糊控制的輸入,根據資料庫推論出適當的馬達扭力大小,並考慮力量封閉和摩擦圓錐,使NTU-Hand IV能達到穩定抓握,並擁有近似人類抓握的能力。
The purpose of this thesis is to develop an artificial skin system that is suitable for NTU-Hand IV, which was developed in our laboratory. The artificial skin is composed of normal force sensor and slippage sensor. To enhance the grasping ability, a fuzzy-based force control algorithm integrated with artificial skin system is applied.
The artificial skin is combined with two kinds of sensors. One is a normal force sensor. A flexible printed circuit board is combined with a pressure conductive rubber (CSA) to detect the distribution and magnitude of normal force. The other one is a slippage sensor, whose sensing material is PVDF (PolyVinyliDene Fluoride) piezoelectric polymer strip. Slippage sensor is used to detect the slip of grasped object. Therefore, the artificial skin has 3D tactile sensing ability via these two kinds of sensors. Moreover, the hardware-firmware system and the graphical user interface are developed and integrated with a stand-alone control system.
The hybrid force/position control is the architecture of the grasping control. A Fuzzy-Based force control methodology and multi-sensor fusion are applied and integrated with the artificial skin. According to the signals sensed from the artificial skin, an inference engine will infer an adequate motor torque from data base. Friction cone and force closure are also considered while grasping. NTU-Hand IV with the artificial skin will then be simulated to grasp well as that of mankind performance.
摘要 I
Abstract III
Contents IV
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Related Works 2
1.3 NTU-Hand Prosthetic Systems 4
1.3.1 NTU-Hand IV Prosthesis 4
1.3.2 Artificial Skin System 6
1.3.3 Multi-Joint Controller with SOPC Technology 7
1.3.4 EMG Discriminative System 9
1.4 Thesis Organization 10
1.5 Contributions 10
Chapter 2 Background Knowledge 13
2.1 Literature Survey of Tactile Sensors 13
2.1.1 General Tactile Sensor Requirements 14
2.1.2 Tactile Sensing Approaches 15
2.2 Fuzzy Logic 32
2.3 Multi-Sensor Fusion 33
Chapter 3 Artificial Skin Design 37
3.1 Sensing Materials 37
3.1.1 Pressure Conductive Rubber (CSA) 38
3.1.2 PVDF (PolyVinyliDene Fluoride) 43
3.2 Sensing Principles 46
3.2.1 Pressure Conductive Rubber (CSA) 46
3.2.2 PVDF (PolyVinyliDene Fluoride) 48
3.3 Structure of Normal Force Sensor 52
3.3.1 Design of Flexible Printed Electrode Board 52
3.3.2 3M Electrically Conductive Z-Axis Adhesive Film 59
3.3.3 Pressure Conductive Rubber (CSA) 60
3.3.4 Normal Force Sensor Assembly 61
3.4 Construction of Slippage Sensor 63
3.5 Scanning and Readout Circuits 64
3.5.1 Scanning Circuit of Normal Force Sensor 64
3.5.2 Implementation of Scanning Circuit 66
3.5.3 Readout Circuit of Slippage Sensor 67
3.5.4 Implementation of Readout Circuit 68
3.6 Implementation of Artificial Skin 69
3.7 Development of Graphical User Interface 70
3.7.1 PC-Based GUI 70
3.7.2 PDA-Based GUI 71
Chapter 4 Grasping Integration of NTU-Hand IV 75
4.1 Grasp Control of the NTU–Hand IV with Artificial Skin System 75
4.1.1 Multi-Sensor Fusion 82
4.2 The Kinematics of NTU-Hand IV 84
4.2.1 Direct Kinematics of the NTU-Hand IV 84
4.2.2 Inverse Kinematics of the NTU-Hand IV 88
4.3 Design of Fuzzy-Based Force Controller 91
Chapter 5 Experiments 98
5.1 CSA Experiments 98
5.2 Force Sensing Experiments 100
5.3 Grasping Experiments 102
Chapter 6 Conclusions 108
6.1 Conclusions 108
6.2 Future Works 109
References 110
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