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論文名稱(外文):Application of overheated carbon source for the synthesis of carbon nanotube
外文關鍵詞:carbon nanotubeCVD
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In this paper, we research overheated carbon source application for carbon nanotube growth. The application of carbon nanotube was broadly involved because of its remarkable mechanic properties. Carbon nanotube might be integrated with micro-scale structure of conventional MEMS fabrication, expected to obtain new types of nano-scale device. Carbon nanotube is provided with high worth of science academic research, and is attracting lots of savant’s great research interest. Hence, carbon nanotube is generally acknowledged as the most potential material for the future high technology industry.
Experiment method of carbon nanotube growth would be chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on catalytically patterned substrate surfaces, equipment would be 3-stage furnace in different temperature parameter. Generally speaking, the catalyst source for carbon nanotube growth could be evaporated metallic or nonmetallic thin film on the substrate by means of E-beam evaporator. Iron、cobalt、nickel are the metal thin film catalyst in common use. Another method in common use would be dropped ferritin reagent as catalyst on the substrate, and move in the furnace for nanotube growth. Utilizing metal thin film for carbon nanotube growth would be multi-walled in majority. The thinner metal thin film is, the more chance to obtain single-walled carbon nanotube. Ferritin catalyst particle scale is only several nanometers, which is advantageous for single-walled carbon nanotube growth. Carbon nanotubes would be single-walled as long as the reaction gas parameter was controlled appropriately. Consequently, ferritin particle would be the catalyst source in this paper.
We will emphasize the control of the reaction gas parameter in the experiment, and expect to grow single-walled carbon nanotube in lower temperature. We synthesize catalyst in different concentration, not only to compare with the numbers of carbon nanotube per unit area in different temperature, but also to observe the grow phenomenon. Temperature setup was 950℃、850℃、750℃ in order, and we obtain single-walled carbon nanotube in 750℃ successfully in the appropriate control of the reaction gas flow rate. Finally, we obtain single-walled carbon nanotube in lower temperature 700℃. We hope the research would provide worthy reference and be helpful for the following academician.
第壹章 緒論
1-1 前言….....1
1-2 研究動機與目標…….4
第貳章 文獻回顧
2-1 奈米碳管..………….5
2-2 奈米碳管成長機制………….8
2-2.1 電弧放電法(Arc-discharge method).……....8
2-2.2 雷射剝離法(Laser ablation method)..….…..9
2-2.3 化學氣相沉積法(Chemical vapor deposition method)..…10
2-3 化學氣相沉積法成長奈米碳管之文獻歸納分析…….12
2-3.1 利用奈米顆粒催化劑成長奈米碳管………..12
2-3.2 成長平行對準的奈米碳管……………..20
2-3.3 利用金屬薄膜成長奈米碳管…………..22
2-3.4 氧化層膜厚對於成長奈米碳管的影響………..24
第參章 實驗設備與架構
3-1 實驗材料準備……………….27
3-1.1 試片準備…………..27
3-1.2 催化劑置備…………..29
3-2 實驗設備……………….33
3-2.1 流速溫度控制器………..33
3-2.2 高溫爐…………………..35
3-2.3 原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope).………….36
3-2.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)………………44
3-3 實驗架構…………………..49
第肆章 實驗結果與歸納分析
4-1 實驗過程步驟………….53
4-2 實驗結果……………….55
4-2.1 實驗一至實驗六…...55
4-2.2 實驗七至實驗十二……...77
4-3 歸納分析………..86
4-3.1 工作溫度950℃時反應氣體流量比例對於奈米碳管產量之影響……86
4-3.2 工作溫度850℃時反應氣體流量比例對於奈米碳管產量之影響……92
4-3.3 低溫製程奈米碳管成長結果……...95
第伍章 結論建議與未來展望
5-1 實驗結論………….101
5-2 討論建議……….103
5-3 未來展望………….107
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