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研究生(外文):Shin-Yu Huang
論文名稱(外文):Avoidable Hospitalizations of Bacterial Pneumonia Patients in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Ambulatory care sensitive conditionsAvoidable hospitalizationsPneumoniaBacterial pneumoniaNHI claim data
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1. 利用「細菌性肺炎可避免住院」作為初級照護品質監控指標。
2. 建立完善的分級醫療制度、家醫制度與轉診制度並推廣預防保健及民眾衛教。
3. 醫療提供者面對高危險群病人時,應提高敏感度與警覺性。
4. 醫療提供者應落實實證醫學的應用與臨床治療指引遵循。
In the past there were many hospitalized quality monitoring on medical quality management, however affects the overall medical care quality and the medical system efficiency actually is primary care performance. Avoidable hospitalization is an outcome indicator used to evaluate access to primary care and primary care quality. A reduction in unnecessary hospitalization would affect quality and access. The potential cost savings associated with reducing potentially avoidable hospitalizations are substantial.
The main purposes of this research are to : (1) understand the performance of bacterial pneumonia primary care in Taiwan ; (2) describe bacterial pneumonia admission rate trends ; (3) evaluate the impact of " patient characteristic ", " hospital characteristic" and " environmental factor " on avoidable hospitalizations of bacterial pneumonia ; and (4) evaluate the different outcome of bacterial pneumonia on primary medical utilization.
Research design: this study used claim data of National Health Insurance and Department of Health from 2000 to 2002 for analysis. This study observed the outpatients of bacteria pneumonia. It was a secondary and case-control study. The study group was the outpatients of bacterial pneumonia who were hospitalized due to bacterial pneumonia and the control group was the outpatients of bacterial pneumonia who were not hospitalized due to bacterial pneumonia.

Main findings :
1. Trends :
During 2000-2002, the national admission rate of bacterial pneumonia were increased, only " Hsin Chu County " were decreased.
2. Patient characteristic :
Rate of bacterial pneumonia admission were higher for male, the person age fewer than 4 and upper 65, the patients who have chronic disease, low income, and lack compliance.

3. Hospital characteristic :
Different hospital type and hospital ownership were impact the bacterial pneumonia admission rate. Rate of bacterial pneumonia admission were higher for hospital type in medical center and regional hospital and hospital ownership in private.
4. Environmental factor :
Rate of bacterial pneumonia admission were higher in isolated island, Taipei County, Miaoli County, Nantou County, Yunlin County, and Chiayi County. About physician supply, the results were not consistent. In 2000, the physician supply had a non-significant association with avoidable hospitalizations, but in 2001 and 2002, the physician supply had a significant association with bacterial pneumonia admission rates.
5. Ambulatory medical utilization :
The control group on ambulatory care visits, drug days, antibiotic drug days, and the proportion of radiographic examination, blood examination, and sputum examination were higher than case group. The statistical result of the proportion of appropriate medical departments and emergency visits are non-significant. About the antibiotic used is significant association with bacterial pneumonia hospitalizations.
Base on above findings, this study suggests :
1. The authority can use avoidable hospitalizations of bacterial pneumonia as an indicator to evaluate primary care quality.
2. The authority should establish a good rating of hospital, family physician system, and the system of diagnose-shifting.
3. When health care providers faced high risk groups, they should be sensitive and raise awareness.
4. Health care providers should use evidence-based medicine and follow clinical guideline.
致 謝 I
摘 要 III
Abstract V
目錄 VII
圖表目次 IX
表目次 IX
圖目次 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 可避免住院 7
第二節 肺炎 22
第三節 可避免住院與細菌性肺炎之相關研究 31
第四節 文獻綜合討論 33
第三章 研究材料與方法 35
第一節 研究設計與研究架構 35
第二節 研究假說 40
第三節 研究變項與操作型定義 41
第四節 資料處理 43
第五節 分析方法 47
第四章 研究結果 49
第一節 研究群體之描述性分析 49
第二節 研究群體之門診醫療利用描述性分析 57
第三節 可避免住院率計算與趨勢變化 62
第四節 推論性統計分析 70
第五節 研究結果小結 90
第五章 討論 93
第一節 病人特質、醫院特質、環境因素對可避免住院之影響 93
第二節 門診醫療利用對可避免住院的影響 97
第三節 研究限制 101
第六章 結論與建議 103
第一節 結論 103
第二節 建議 106
參考文獻 109
附 錄 115
附錄一:慢性疾病清單 115
附錄二:89-91年全國各行政區之每萬人口醫師數 116
附錄三:治療細菌性肺炎之口服抗生素健保代碼 117
附錄四:檢驗檢查項目 121

表2-1-1 可避免住院疾病相關疾病 11
表2-1-2 可避免住院疾病相關疾病(續) 12
表2-1-3 可避免住院疾病相關疾病(續) 13
表2-2-1 可避免住院影響因素之相關研究 17
表2-2-2 可避免住院影響因素之相關研究(續) 18
表2-2-3 可避免住院影響因素之相關研究(續) 19
表2-3-1 細菌性肺炎之建議使用口服抗生素 26
表3-1-1 操作型定義 41
表3-1-2 操作型定義(續) 42
表4-1-1 研究群體之「個人特質」、「醫院特質」描述性統計 52
表4-1-2 研究群體之「個人特質」、「醫院特質」描述性統計(續) 53
表4-2-1 研究群體之「環境因素」描述性統計 55
表4-2-2 研究群體之「環境因素」描述性統計(續) 56
表4-3-1 研究群體之「門診醫療利用」描述性統計 60
表4-3-2 研究群體之「門診醫療利用」描述性統計(續) 61
表4-4-1 全國及各行政區89-91年之細菌性肺炎可避免住院率 63
表4-5-1 89、90、91年細菌性肺炎有無住院與連續變項間之t檢定結果 71
表4-6-1 89、90、91年細菌性肺炎有無住院與有無使用抗生素卡方檢定結果 72
表4-7-1 89年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果 76
表4-7-2 89年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果(續) 77
表4-8-1 90年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果 81
表4-8-2 90年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果(續) 82
表4-9-1 91年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果 86
表4-9-2 91年羅吉士迴歸模式之迴歸結果(續) 87
表4-10-1 89、90、91年羅吉士迴歸模式之勝算比值比較 88
表4-10-2 89、90、91年羅吉士迴歸模式之勝算比值比較(續) 89


圖3-1 門診與住院串檔與分組流程 36
圖3-2 研究架構圖 38
圖3-3 研究概念圖 39
圖3-4 門診資料篩選與除錯流程 44
圖3-5 住院資料篩選與除錯流程 45
圖3-6 門診與住院串檔流程 46
圖4-1 民國89-91年全國可避免住院率之變化趨勢 64
圖4-2 民國89-91年全國可避免住院率之變化趨勢 64
圖4-3 民國90年度全國各縣市之細菌性肺炎可避免住院率 65
圖4-4 民國91年度全國各縣市之細菌性肺炎可避免住院率 65
圖4-5 89-91年度各行政區之細菌性肺炎可避免住院率趨勢變化 66
圖4-6 89-91年台北市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-7 89-91年高雄市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-8 89-91年基隆市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-9 89-91年新竹市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-10 89-91年台中市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-11 89-91年台南市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-12 89-91年嘉義市可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-13 89-91年台北縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-14 89-91年桃園縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 68
圖4-15 89-91年新竹縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-16 89-91年宜蘭縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 68
圖4-17 89-91年苗栗縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 67
圖4-18 89-91年台中縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 68
圖4-19 89-91年彰化縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 68
圖4-20 89-91年南投縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 68
圖4-21 89-91年雲林縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-22 89-91年嘉義縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-23 89-91年台南縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-24 89-91年高雄縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-25 89-91年屏東縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-26 89-91年花蓮縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-27 89-91年台東縣可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
圖4-28 89-91年離島地區可避免住院率之變化趨勢 69
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