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研究生(外文):Chia-Chun Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Edge-based Region Growing and Interactive Editing Tool for Medical Image Segmentation
外文關鍵詞:medical image segmentationregion growinggaussian smooth filtering
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Object. Two aims will be achieved in the present study: 1) to develop an edge-based region growing algorithm for medical image segmentation, which has advantage of instinctive parameters adjusting; 2) to construct a framework integrated with the newly developed segmentation algorithm and an interactive image editing tool for practical application.

Background. Medical image segmentation is an important image procedure for computer aided surgery and computer aided diagnosis. It is always a difficult issue to develop an algorithm for segmentation because medical images are characterized with high noise, low contrast and complex geometry. Algorithm often improves their performance in medical segmentation at the cost of increasing difficulties in internal parameters adjustment. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a user-friendly segmentation framework which also comprises the good ability to segment medical images.

Method. The edge information of medical image is used as growing criterion. The boundary of grown regions was smoothed by 1D Gaussian filter at the end of each growing process. In addition to the image segmenting algorithm, interactive tools such as patching, cutting and inward region growing were developed on the basis of algorithm characteristics. To verify the efficiency of the developed algorithm and the interactive editing tools, they were applied to segment CT images and MR images.

Result. The performance of algorithm was better on the regions with sufficient edge information than the regions surrounded with low contrast of soft tissue. The present developed algorithm had lower sensitivity to noise than classical region growing algorithms did.

Conclusion. The region growing algorithm with good performance of medical image segmentation as well as instinctive parameters adjustment was successfully developed. Furthermore, the framework integrated with the developed algorithms and interactive editing tools can provides users with step-by-step instructions to process medical image. Therefore , users without engineering back ground can also use it easily.
圖 次......................................I
第一章 導論.....................................1
1-2 研究目的......................................1
1-3 文獻回顧......................................2
第二章 使用邊緣資訊的區域成長演算法...............3
2-2 一維高斯平滑濾波..............................4
2-3 邊緣檢測......................................5
2-4 搜尋邊界的連續性質............................8
2-5 在人造影像上的結果...........................11
第三章 區域演算法編輯工具.......................13
3-3 一定區域往內成長.............................14
3-5 補洞工具.....................................16
第四章 醫學影像分析結果..........................17
4-1 使用流程.....................................17
4-2 在醫學影像上的應用...........................18
4-3 與傳統區域成長演算法的比較...................23
第五章 討論......................................25
5-1 參數的調整與影響.............................25
5-2 影像的分割效果 ...............................27
5-3 本演算法的限制 ...............................27
第六章 結論....................................29
參考文獻 ........................................30
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