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研究生(外文):I-Ching Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Attention, Learning and Psychosocial Adjustment Problems in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
指導教授(外文):Mei-hui Tseng
外文關鍵詞:DCDADHDLearning disabilityPsychosocial adjustment
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背景與目的:許多被診斷為動作協調障礙兒童 (Developmental Coordination Disorder,DCD) 常合併有注意力、學習及心理社會調適的問題。過去有許多探討DCD兒童的相關問題,但這些研究在選取研究個案時,通常只使用單一評估工具或非標準化測驗(老師或醫生轉介)來診斷DCD,無法篩選出不同亞型的DCD兒童。然而,先前使用超過二種評估工具來診斷DCD之研究多侷限於臨床樣本。因此,本研究的目的是以兩步驟選取法,探討社區樣本中DCD和疑似DCD兒童的注意力、學習問題及心理社會調適問題,以及不同動作障礙程度兒童在上述的表現。
方法:第一步驟以發展協調障礙問卷-中文版 (Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire-Chinese version, DCDQ-C) 篩選出因動作問題而致日常生活功能受影響之兒童,第二步驟使用兩個標準化動作測驗,分別是兒童動作評量組 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children, MABC) 與布朗尼動作能力測驗 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, BOTMP) 鑑定DCD組、疑似DCD組以及正常組。由家長填寫兒童活動量表及兒童行為檢核表,並給予兒童施測基本讀寫字綜合測驗。
Background and Purpose: Many children diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) show problems with attention, learning and psychosocial adjustment. Much literature investigated the attention, learning and psychosocial adjustment issues of children with DCD, but most of them identified children with DCD through either one motor test or doctors’/teachers’ referral and one motor test. Although few studies used more than two tests for identification, they might use the clinical samples rather than community samples. Thus, the purpose was to use two-step procedure to identify children in the community and investigate the problems in attention, learning and psychosocial adjustment of the children with different degrees of DCD.
Methods: The first step was to screen children with motor impairments by the Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire-Chinese version (DCDQ-C). The second step used two standardized movement tests, i.e., Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) to identify the children with motor impairments. The parents of these children completed the Child behavior checklist- Chinese version (CBCL-C) and the Activity Level Rating Scale (ALRS). The children of the three groups received assessment of the Basic Reading and Writing Test Battery (BRWTB) by the examiner.
Results: Results revealed significant group differences on the Attention Problems subscale of the CBCL-C and the ALRS. Results revealed marginal and significant group effects on two subtests of the BRWTB, but no significant group effects on another subtests of the BRWTB. Children with motor impairments had more difficulties in psychosocial adjustment problems except the Somatic Complaints than the control group, but no significant differences existed on psychosocial adjustment problems between children with different severity of motor impairment.
Conclusion: In summary, the results of the study indicated that the non-referred children who were identified by standardized motor tests as DCD were like referred children who were reported to be often associated with problems in attention, learning and psychosocial adjustment. The results also indicated that non-referred children who were identified as suspect for DCD were at risk for problems in attention and psychosocial adjustment, but had no difficulties in basic reading and writing skills. Furthermore, the findings of the present study indicated that DCD had similar impacts on attention, learning and psychosocial adjustment of children with different severity of motor impairments. Thus, it is suggested that parents and teachers be aware of the behavior and psychosocial problems of their non-referred children with DCD, in addition to learning problems.
Abstract .......................................................................................I
中文摘要 ....................................................................................III
Table of Contents ........................................................................V
List of Tables ...............................................................................VIII
List of Figure................................................................................IX
Introduction .................................................................................1
Introduction to the children with DCD .........................................1
Terminology ................................................................................1
The diagnosis criteria of DCD ......................................................2
The prevalence of DCD ................................................................3
The associated problems of children with DCD ............................3
Problems in attention and hyperactivity .........................................3
Problems in learning.......................................................................4
Problems in psychosocial adjustments...............................................5
The limitations of previous studies on the associated problems in children with DCD......................................................................................8
The merits of a two-step procedure........................................................9
The purpose of the study.....................................................................10
Methods ..........................................................................................11
Participants .......................................................................................11
Instruments .......................................................................................11
Procedures ......................................................................................18
Data analyses ...................................................................................20
Results ........................................................................................21
Group differences on age, gender, and SES .....................................21
Attention problems and activity level................................................21
Learning problems ...........................................................................23
Psychosocial adjustment problems ...................................................24
Discussion ........................................................................................27
Attention problems and activity level................................................27
Learning problems ............................................................................28
Psychosocial adjustment problems ....................................................30
Clinical implications .........................................................................32
Limitations and the Recommendations for further research ...............33
Conclusions ................................................................................34
References ..................................................................................35
Tables ..........................................................................................43
Figure .........................................................................................47
Appendices ...................48
Appendix 1 Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire-Chinese version .............................................................................48
Appendix 2 Activity Level Rating Scale ..........................................................51
Appendix 3 Child Behavior Checklist- Chinese version ..................................54

List of Tables
Table 1 Group differences on the mean scores of the BRWTB………43
Table 2 Group differences on the mean scores of the CBCL-C………44
Table 3 The percentage of children scored in the clinical range of the CBCL-C………………………………………………45
Table 4 Group differences in the proportion of children scored in the clinical range of the CBCL-C between groups the cutoff on the ALRS between groups……………………………………46

List of Figure
Figure 1 Two-step procedure in sampling………………………47
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