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研究生(外文):Tsai Li-Yun
論文名稱(外文):The Creative Paintings of Boat Sailing —A Study of SHIH TAO's Vessels
指導教授(外文):Liu Su Zhen
外文關鍵詞:SHIH TAOBoatCreative of Chinese PaintingBoatWriting Record of Painting Lectures
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第一章 緒論
第二章 石濤之事蹟
  第一節 石濤之生卒年:從影響石濤生卒年的三件關鍵性作品進行探究分析
第二節 從其自用印論其身世、時代背景、師承、創作思想:從其印文、印
第三節 從石濤各時期的繪畫風格中探討其舟舫畫作:表列彙整分析石濤各時期繪畫風格,並以舟舫畫作相印證。
第三章 從石濤舟舫畫作中題畫詩文探其《畫語錄》創作思維之體現               
第一節 有關創作思想之題畫詩文與畫作相印證:將石濤有關於創作思維的題畫詩款與《畫語錄》呼應之畫作,系統整理以圖表列出。
第二節 題畫詩文與《畫語錄》創作思維之解析:旨在題畫詩文與《畫語
  第三節 從題畫詩文、《畫語錄》創作思源與畫境關係之探析:探討繪畫內
第四章 解析石濤舟舫畫作之繪畫特色
  第一節 實景與畫境之印證:探究石濤「搜盡奇峰打草稿」、「師造化」、「傳  
第二節 從幾何圖像解析畫作之構圖:試圖將山川幾何化,探析「舟舫」行進之動勢。
第三節 從黃金分割率與九宮格探討石濤舟舫位置:以「黃金比」之分析方式,解讀「舟舫」在構圖中的位置與悅目比例為探討內容。  
第四節 石濤舟舫之造形:將「舟舫」母題從畫作中獨立劃出,彙整分類,以明瞭其豐富的造形與充滿變化的筆墨情性。           
  第五節 石濤舟舫與空靈意境之互動:探討「空而靈,虛而妙」的意境與畫面的對立與統一。
第五章 台灣山水與舟舫畫境之探索
  第一節 台灣山水、舟舫之自然景觀:足跡所到之海洋島國自然景觀的特殊 
第二節  台灣山水、舟舫之人文背景:繼往開來,對歷史人文背景的探討以
  第三節 台灣舟舫造形:依江、河、湖、海舟楫同異類別,將畫意所及台
第六章 創作理念與實踐
  第一節 臨摹石濤經驗:扎實的臨摹數遍,以求得石濤筆墨神髓。得其法內
  第二節 創作理念:「借古開今」,從石濤入、從石濤出的創作主張。
第三節  作品自述:說明五件代表作的創作理念、表現技法、意境經營、實


Following the Writing Record of Painting Lectures by Shih-T’ao, this research started from understanding the author’s idea of painting and analyzing ways of sailboat drawing. In order to inspire ethereality, enhance the taste of life, learn intelligence from Shih-T’ao, the researcher tried to practice by ink and brush pen, traditional ways of making art works, and to fulfill the idea of creative experiments.

There are six chapters of this thesis which include ways of processing the research, conclusion, and appendix-an appreciative review of Sketch of poems and ink paintings by Shih-T’ao.

Chapter One : Foreword

Chapter Two : The life story of Shih-T’ao

Section One: The textual research of the life time of Shih-T’ao
According to literature reviews from many scholars, this research tried to do the textual research of the life time of Shih-T’ao from three important art works. The result shows that Shih-T’ao had lived 66 years (1642~1707) based on the estimate above.

Section Two : Understanding the life, background, time of living, idea of painting, academic learning of Shih-T’ao from his seal.
Trying to understanding the background, the feeling of the inner mind and the idea of creating art works of Shih-T’ao, this section focus on the use of the sentence and the literature of his seal. Moreover, the result of these help the study to reach the historical facts, and to supplement the shortcomings of Writing Record of Painting Lectures.

Section Three: Discussing the sailboat painting from different ages of Shih-T’ao
A list table will be shown in this section to describe style of different ages, and the sailboat as well.
SHIH-T’AO’s sailboat paintings explore his own course of life. A table of analysis shows the changes of his painting styles.

Chapter Three : Exploring the practice of Writing Record of Painting Lectures from poems of afterword of sailboat painting of Shih-T’ao.
Section One: Comparison of the idea of poems of afterword and the painting.
A systemic list shows the selection of the relative idea of poems of afterword and paintings from Writing Record of Painting Lectures.

Section Two: Analysis of poems of afterword and the idea of creating art works from Writing Record of Painting Lectures. This section trys to find the similarity of both topics.

Section Three: The relationship between poems of afterword, the prospect of painting, and the idea of creating art works from Writing Record of Painting Lectures: discuss the correlation of three topics above.      

Chapter Four : Interprete the speciality of the sailboat drawing by Shih-T’ao.

Section One: The comparison of real landscape and prospect: Studying the creative ideas of Shih-T’ao: “collecting beautiful mountain from travel experience and making drafts of those images”, “imitating Mother Nature”, “copying masterpieces and tracing original ideas”, “adapting the physical world to imaged shapes”, “reaching the resembled impressions from within”.

Section Two: Interpreting the composition from geometric patterns in painitings of Shih-T’ao: geometrizing the landscapes and interpreting the movement of sailboats in painting.

Section Three: Using golden section and Ouyang Shun’s pattern to study the location of sailboats in paintings by Shih-T’ao: Using golden section to analyize the location of sailboats in the composition and to discuss the best ways of proportion.

Section Four: The form of sailboats by Shih-T’ao’s: categorize the sailboat painting, and understand the style and variations of paintings by Shih-T’ao.

Section Five : The mutual development of Shih-T’ao’s sailboats and his inspired spirit : Studing the oppositions and unities composition of prospect.
Chapter Five : Landscape and sailboats drawings of Taiwan, the Formosa.

Section One: The natural scenery of landscape and sailboats of Taiwan:
Discussion of the special scenery of the unique island and the carefree, harmonious and congenial atmosphere of the painter.

Section Two: The humanistic background of the landscape and sailboats drawings of Taiwan, The Formosa.
To carry on the past and open a way for future, this research tries to understand the content of the painting from the historical background.

Section Three: The form of sailboats in Taiwan, the Formosa.
Based on the function of the sailboats, there are different looks of sailboats in Taiwan such as using in rivers, streams, lakes and ocean. This research classifies all the styles from the appearances and the effects of painting.

Chapter Six: Theories and practice of the creative idea.

Section One: Practing Shih-T’ao’s calligraphy and paintings by imitation
Repetitious copying calligraphy and paintings of Shih-T’ao is to exactly learn the mastermind of the artist. After imitating the standard of art works by Shih-T’a, the imitator will learn the original ideas of the artist.

Section Two : Ideal concept of originality
Taking the idea from Shih-T’ao and creating new idea for painting.

Section Three: Self-introduction
Describe the idea of creating art works, creating skills, managing the prospect, experiment and ideal thinking of five important art works.

The Conclusion
Appendix: an appreciative review of Sketch of poems and ink paintings by Shih-T’ao


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˙俞&;#21091;華:《石濤畫語錄標點註釋》,北京,人民美術出版社, 1959年,12月
˙釋明復︰《石濤原濟禪師行實考》,台北,新文豐 ,1978年
˙呂佛庭:《石濤大師評傳》,台北,瑞成 ,1958年,
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˙鄭為編:《石濤》,上海,上海人民出版社,上海,1995年,5 月第一版。
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