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研究生(外文):Shang- Ru Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Behavior Control of Crowd Simulation with Combined Approaches
外文關鍵詞:crowd simulationpath-finding algorithmvirtual force
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由於電腦科技的進步,在現今的電影或電視影集中,開始嘗試以電腦動畫的群體運動(Crowd simulation)來模擬真人或卡通角色所組成的群體場面。但是由於群體的角色眾多,會衍生出動作控制以及電腦硬體負荷的問題。這時候如果還是用傳統設定關鍵格的方法,會耗費大量的人力,因此必需藉由電腦的特長,藉由將角色行為準則數理化,以程式的語法來模擬群體運動的路徑。可以大幅節省所費的勞力。

As a result of the Computer Graphics and technology progress, the movies and the television programs start attempting to simulate the crowd scene by the computer animation crowd which composed by the real person or the cartoon characters. Because the numerous characters in a scene, it creates the problems of animation control as well as the loading of computer hardware. Traditional control methods, such as setting keyframes, can consume much animators’ time and efforts. Motion path of the crowd can be simulated by stylizing the behavior rules of the characters. By doing this a lot of labor force can be saved.
This research takes the virtual force agent as a foundation, and takes a crossing as the example. It studies how the crowd avoids hitting the obstacle, avoids hitting the wall surface, as well as how it responds to the traffic-light event, adding the pathfinding, and the keyframe agent, proceeding the analysis and the discussion. Furthermore, how to integrate the simulated path with high resolution model in a 3D software is also described. As a result, this study provides a feasible framework in simulating the independent agent of crowd simulation.

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