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研究生(外文):Chao-sheng Li
論文名稱(外文):Developing an α algorithm and Petri Net based Approach to Analyze Agent Systems Feasibility
指導教授(外文):Chao Ou-Yang
中文關鍵詞:α algorithm工作流程有效性分析代理人系統Petri Net
外文關鍵詞:α algorithmWorkflow FeasibilityAgent-based SystemsPetri Net
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  本研究將以α algorithm及Petri-Net提供一套驗證代理人系統是否有效的方法。研究方法主要包含概念分析、設計以及實作三個階段。在概念分析階段本研究先探討現行運用代理人發展工具發展代理人系統可能會遇到的盲點,並提供一套改善方案;設計階段本研究利用代理人發展軟體建構測試用代理人系統出來。之後找出代理人系統裡的流程紀錄檔經由α algorithm將流程紀錄檔轉換成Petri-Net模型,再將其導入至Petri-Net模擬軟體中進行模擬分析;在實作階段,藉由設計階段所使用的方法,以機器手臂組裝及經銷商案例,並以Petri-Net中死結及無限迴圈等特性來分析代理人系統之可行性。
  Using agent development tools to construct an agent-based system is a popular approach. The developed agent system might not be feasible due to certain mutual conflicted rules stored in various agents. However, currently, the development tools do not have the function to check the feasibility of the workflow of the agent system during it implementation stage. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an evaluation approach to analyze the feasibility of a developing agent system. The improper workflow of an agent system can be found in the early design stage, and hence to reduce the risk of implementation.
  In this research, a Petri Net based evaluation approach will be developed. There are three stages in the proposed system. In the conceptual stage, the pitfall of the current agent system developing process will be examined and an improvement analysis process will be proposed. Then, in the system design stage, an evaluation approach which will extract the process log file from a developing agent system into a Petri Net model in terms of α algorithm. This model will be imported into a Petri Net simulation package CPN. The agent system performance will be evaluated in terms of analyzing the deadlock and infinite looping phenomena of the Petri-net model. Finally, in the implementation stage, the proposed concepts will be implemented by integrating an agent developing tool JADE and CPN through certain JAVA based codes. A robotic assembly system and a seller and buyer negotiated price system will be used to examine the possible deadlock and infinite looping of their respective agent system.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討與背景介紹 3
2.1 代理人概述 3
2.1.1 代理人定義 3
2.1.2 FIPA(Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) 6
2.1.3 代理人通訊語言(Agent Communication Language) 7
2.1.4 JADE(JAVA Agent Development Framework) 10 JADE的特性 11 JADE組成套件 12 JADE代理人平台 14
2.1.5 代理人相關應用領域 15
2.2 α algorithm 19
2.2.1 α algorithm簡介 19
2.3 Petri Net 22
2.3.1 Petri Net概述 22
2.3.2 Petri Net的特性 24
2.3.4 CPN(Color Petri Net) 26 CPN的特性 27
第三章 研究方法架構 28
3.1 概念分析階段 30
3.2 設計階段 31
3.2.1 以代理人發展軟體設定系統 31 代理人內容設定 31 代理人行為設定 32
3.2.2 代理人系統流程轉換為流程紀錄檔 33
3.2.3 以α algorithm轉換成Petri Net Model 34 合併多代理人Petri Net Model 36
3.2.4 以Petri Net特性驗證其可行性 41
3.3 實作階段 43
3.3.1 機器手臂組裝 43
3.3.2 經銷商議價 44
第四章 研究方法實作 46
4.1 系統架構介紹 46
4.2 機器手臂組裝 49
4.2.1 WorkStation 1 Agent與WorkStation 2 Agent 49
4.2.2 Robot 1 Agent與Robot 2 Agent 53
4.2.3 Log file轉換成Petri Net Model 55
4.2.4 模擬與解決方法 59
4.3 經銷商議價 61
4.3.1 Sale Agent 61
4.3.2 Buyer Agent 65
4.3.3 Log file轉換成Petri Net Model 66
4.3.4 模擬與解決方法 69
第五章 結論與建議 71
參考文獻 73
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