Following the influence of the privatization tide, the build-operate-transfer policy(BOT)to be adopted by our domestic public constructions. For the time being, there are hundred cases processing. However, due to lack of professional knowledge and experience, the BOT project had bee Impelled by disputing at every moment, even many abuses to be happened and not much cases to be succeeded till now. A pioneer of national museum of marine biology & aquarium in checheng, pingtung. Who connect OT and BOT mode and commend grassroots conduct Hall No.1 and No.2;about Hall No.3 of world waters explorer of the public-private partnership how to favoringly finish such succeed case, as schedule, as quality, as budget, without building security accident, is commendably exploration. This studying surveys earmarked project executing the policy factorable achievement, to find the reason and try to make a conclusion and suggestion for future public building’s BOT mode reference.
This studying to be divided by three parts:The 1ST part is theoretical treat; it is basised on privatization of vice-private partnership to reach both success for future BOT theoretical basis. The 2nd part treat「public Museum effect privatization Develop Investment in BOT and administration OT」executing such theory. The 3rd part, gather a BOT line of system by OT, through on-depth conversation with relative person, careful observes and takes the corresponding expedient which in this line of regulation encounters. Hoping with the previous experience, learning the line of BOT attention matter and the essential expedient and pros posed the feasibility constructs for coming 20 years OT’s risk.