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研究生(外文):Guo-Rung Wang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Nanostructure-activity Relationship of Bimetallic PtRu/C Catalysts for Methanol Oxidation
指導教授(外文):Bing-Joe Hwang
中文關鍵詞:直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒X 光吸收光譜CO 剝除甲醇氧化
外文關鍵詞:direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs)anode catalystsX-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS)CO strippingmethanol oxidation.
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本研究以商用雙元合金觸媒JM 30於氧氣及氫氣環境下升溫熱循環(Thermal Cycling)處理,改變其奈米結構。並以同步輻射X光吸收光譜及程序升溫表面反應分析熱循環後觸媒的結構改變,以期能瞭解其結構對甲醇催化氧化反應的影響。
由X光吸收光譜的測量結果,配合本實驗室所發展之原子結構參數技術,可知JM 30觸媒於氧氣環熱循環後,其整體之Pt及Ru合金程度隨著熱處理次數而上升;在氫氣環境下則表現逐漸下降的趨勢。研究中也藉由電化學循環伏安、CO剝除及甲醇氧化方法,測量材料的電化學活性。從硫酸中的循環伏安和程序升溫表面反應的結果,可推論氧氣環境下熱處理將使觸媒表面Ru原子成份增加;氫氣環境下則使表面Pt原子成份增加。在催化性能表現上,於氫氣環境熱循環一次之後的觸媒,在CO剝除及甲醇氧化的實驗,其電化學活性皆高於未熱處理的JM 30觸媒。
In this work, the nanostructure of commercial JohnsonMatthey Pt-Ru/C (JM 30) catalysts were modified by performing “Thermal Cycling” experiment under oxygen and hydrogen atmosphere. By employing the X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) technique and Temperature Programmed Surface Reaction (TPSR), the structural changes of the catalysts during the thermal cycling were elucidated and their electrocatalytic efficiencies towards methanol oxidation were further discussed.
From the XAS analysis, the alloying extent of JM 30 catalysts are increased after several O2-thermal cycles, in contrast, alloying extent are decreased after H2-thermal cycling. The electrochemical activities and CO-stripping abilities of the thermal cycled catalysts were also evaluated. From the results of cyclic voltammetry in sulfuric acid and TPSR, it was demonstrated that oxygen and hydrogen adsorption can change the surface composition of the catalysts. Ru was brought to the surface from the bulk by adsorbed oxygen whereas Pt moved to the surface from the bulk by the adsorbed hydrogen. Among the O2 and H2 treated catalysts, it was found that the catalyst after one time heat treatment by hydrogen exhibited higher CO stripping and methanol oxidation ability than the as received one.
From the results of the above studies, the relationship between nanosturcture and electrocatalytic performance towards methanol oxidation was established. Understanding these results provides a methodology to control the atomic distribution and enhance the electrochemical activity.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2直接甲醇燃料電池(DMFC) 5
1.2.1 DMFC陽極觸媒 10陽極觸媒材料 11觸媒奈米結構鑑定 13甲醇於觸媒電極氧化反應之機制 17
1.2.2 DMFC電解質 19
1.2.3 DMFC陰極材料 20
1.3研究動機與方法 21
第二章 原理 23
2.1 X光吸收光譜原理 23
2.1.1 EXAFS 23
2.1.2 XANES 26
2.1.3數據分析 27
2.2 XRD分析原理 30
2.3電化學原理 31
2.3.1循環伏安法 31
2.3.2極化曲線 34
2.4程序升溫表面反應(TPSR)原理 35
2.5質譜儀(Mass Spectrometer)原理 37
第三章 實驗設備與方法 39
3.1實驗藥品及設備 39
3.1.1實驗藥品 39
3.1.2儀器設備 39
3.2實驗方法 40
3.2.1商用陽極觸媒於氧氣環境下之熱循環(O2 thermal cycling) 40
3.2.2商用陽極觸媒於氫氣環境下之熱循環(H2 thermal cycling) 41
3.2.3材料鑑定與分析 42 XRD分析 42 TEM 分析 43電化學特性測試 43電極片製備 44電化學特性量測 44循環伏安 45 CO剝除 45甲醇氧化極化曲線 45 X光吸收光譜 45 EXAFS之曲線適配 45以X光吸收光譜分析觸媒結構 46程序升溫表面反應(TPSR) 49
第四章 結果 50
4.1金屬觸媒材料結構分析 50
4.1.1 XRD與TEM分析 50
4.1.2 X光吸收光譜分析(XAS) 56 X光吸收近邊緣結構(XANES) 56延伸X光吸收微細結構(EXAFS) 61
4.1.3程序升溫表面反應(TPSR) 75
4.2電化學特性量測結果 79
4.2.1循環伏安 79
4.2.2 CO剝除 83
4.2.3甲醇氧化極化曲線 84
第五章 討論 89
5.1陽極觸媒材料之探討 89
5.1.1陽極觸媒材料之XRD及TEM比較 89
5.1.2陽極觸媒材料之結構比較 89
5.1.3陽極電極觸媒材料之電化學活性比較 94
5.1.4陽極電極觸媒材料之結構與電化學活性之間的關係 97
第六章 結論 100
附錄 101
參考文獻 130
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