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研究生(外文):Jui-lung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Consumers’ Needs and Purchase Evaluation
中文關鍵詞: 購買行為 產品促銷 配件品牌形象 產品涉入消費者需求
外文關鍵詞:purchase behaviorsprice promotionaccessoriesbrand imageproduct involvementconsumer needs
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This thesis includes two studies to examine two particular marketing effects on consumer behaviors, which had not been done by previous researchers: one is need reminding effects and the other price promotion effects on accessory purchase. Using theoretical insights, study 1 uncovers how consumers are affected by being reminded of their needs. The research results demonstrate that the interaction of product involvement and reminding of needs influences consumer purchase behaviors. Besides considering the most important needs, the results of this study also indicate that less important needs cannot be ignored, particularly for low-involvement products. These findings have important implications for marketing practice when formulating strategies relating to “what” and “how” to remind consumers of their needs. Study 2 aims at exploring the impact of main product and/or accessories price promotions on consumers’ purchase evaluation of the accessories. The results show that, in the selection of accessories, regardless of main product price cuts, consumers would prefer brands with a stronger image but price promotion of the main product still influences the brand selection of the accessories. When brand image of the main differs, the brand impact of the accessory would be different. In addition, main product price promotion would also affect consumers’ selection of accessories of different function grades under the same brand. Finally, when the accessories are in price promotion, in all scenarios, consumers would prefer accessories of a higher grade (in terms of both brand and function).
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖表索引 Ⅴ

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Study 1: Reminding Consumers of their Needs through a “What and How” Approach 3
2.1 Conceptual Background and Hypotheses 3
2.2 Research Methods 10
2.3 Results 20

Chapter 3 The Effect of Price Promotion on Consumers’ Purchase Evaluation of Accessories 23
3.1 Conceptual Background and Hypotheses 25
3.2 Research Methods 30
3.3 Results 37

Chapter 4 Discussion 46

Chapter 5 Conclusion 51
4.1 Summary of Research Findings 51
4.2 Managerial Implications 52
4.3 Limitations and Future Research 55

References 56
Appendix 61
作者簡介 63
授 權 書 64
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