After been used for years, the tiled office building in Taiwan is on the expiration of the life cycle and needs to be improved urgently. It shows old appearance because of the dropped and contaminative tiles. Moreover, due to the safety, business, and physical improvement demand, hanging the advertising billboard and adding the grille, canopy, air conditioner, pipe, or other additional external equipment can cause destruction of the original facade design and appearance problems of the disordered office building facade.
This research attempts to probe into the solution of this situation by constructing the “The Façade Refurbishment of the Office Building with Tiled External RC Wall” The research gives us hope on solving the lack of physical ability, problems on externally additional equipment and deteriorations of the external wall. As the result, it can bring the users a comfortable work place; extend the life of the building; and also return a beautiful landscape back to the city. In addition, using the practical case of the Administration Building at the NTUST to proceed with the design operation of improving the exterior wall can make the framework of this plan much more transparent and complete.
The analytical methods applied in this research: 1. Collecting the relative literature and product catalogs. 2. Investigating on current case. 3. Analyzing local and international cases. 4. Developing the plan of the improvement of exterior wall. 5. Estimating the design. There are two parts of the Theoretical discussion: first is the discussion on the material of exterior wall, ventilating layer and supporting layer of the ventilated double wall system, and second is the discussion on additional equipment on the external wall.
The achievements of this research: 1、The checklist containing the appearance of the tile-style office building: Using cases with the mid-lower level tile-style office buildings in Taiwan to probe into the strategic decision on how to improve the external wall of an office building. 2、The sorted-list containing the structure of the improvement on the existing concrete wall: Using the existing concrete wall to arrange attainable improving methods and to probe into its constructing methods, additional equipment on the external wall, strategy of solving the deteriorations, the impact on the constructing environment, and recycling. 3、The checklist containing the construction on the locally additional equipment on the external wall: Classifying the different categories and addressing the relative resolutions of the locally additional equipment on the external wall. 4、The improving on the external wall of the tile-style office building: Exploring the improving plan including the examination on deteriorations of the external wall, additional equipment on the external wall, existing appearance and physical abilities of the local building. Address the study for each examination, and list the solutions and the flow chart for the improvement of the exterior wall.
Using the Administration Building at the NTUST as a design target, according to the systematic flow-chart to improve the external wall, and developing three divergent yet achievable plans must be done before choosing the best developing plan by evaluating its functions and qualitative analysis.