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研究生(外文):Yi-chun Lu
論文名稱(外文):Rayon-based Carbon Fiber Adsorbent Modified by Supporting Silver
指導教授(外文):Ching-Iuan Su
中文關鍵詞: 抗菌 BET比表面積含氧官能基 活性碳纖維嫘縈系
外文關鍵詞:BET specific surface areaantibacterial abilityoxygen containing functional groups.activated carbon fiberviscose rayon-based
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對於揮發性有機化合物的吸附而言,則以未鍍銀加前之活性碳纖維的吸附量最高,達93.15 %,經過鍍銀處理後,發現吸附量隨銀含量增加而明顯下降(45.44 %)。而在抗菌能力方面,不同的ACF-Ag試樣,對於抑菌及殺菌都呈現有效的結果。至於銀離子溶岀試驗,發現不同試樣在去離子水中靜置96小時後,溶出量均趨於緩和。而在靜置168小時後,試樣中最大溶出量僅為0.3597 ppm。
This study examines the properties and microstructure of viscose rayon-based activated carbon fiber (ACF) adsorbent modified by supporting silver. Carbon fiber with different pore characteristics is prepared using different active gas, followed by spraying and decomposition of silver. The effect of variation in decomposition temperature and reaction time on the chemical properties and microstructure of ACF-Ag adsorbent are investigated. In addition, the antibacterial ability and absorption of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) of the ACF-Ag adsorbent are also measured.
Experimental results show that carbon fiber activated by steam and air has more mesopores and larger BET specific surface area. In addition, the crystals thus formed are thicker and of a denser structure with relatively higher true density values. The ratio of the oxygen containing functional groups is also higher. Among the functional groups of ACF-Ag, the peak value of the carbonyl function group will increase, and so will the peak value of alcohol and ether. Comparing between ACF adsorbent before and after silver depositing shows that ACF-Ag adsorbent have lower isotherm, leas BET specific surface area and smaller mean pore diameter.
The weight of volatile organic compounds adsorbed by ACF adsorbent before silver depositing reaches a maximum of 93.15% while the maximum adsorption of volatile organic compounds by ACF-Ag adsorbent reduces significantly to 45.44 as a result of increased silver content. Different ACF-Ag adsorbent all show effective antibacterial and sterilizing properties. The elution of Ag+ from ACF-Ag adsorbent placed in deionized water for 96 hours decreases gradually. After 168 hours, the maximum Ag+ eluted is only 0.3597 ppm.
第一章 緒言...................................................................1
1.1 活性碳及活性碳纖維的發展.............................................2
1.2 活性碳及活性碳纖維的異同.............................................5
1.3 活性碳纖維的用途.....................................................8
第二章 研究動機及目的........................................................10
第三章 理論與文獻回顧........................................................12
3.1 活性碳纖維的製備.........................................................12
3.1.1 原料................................................................13
3.1.2 前處理工程..........................................................14
3.1.3 氧化工程(低溫裂解工程)..............................................16
3.1.4 碳化工程............................................................19
3.1.5 活化工程............................................................21 化學活化法......................................................21 物理活化法......................................................22
3.2 金屬鹽改質活性碳纖維.....................................................24
3.2.1 金屬鹽在活性碳上的分佈..............................................25
3.2.2 金屬鹽在活性碳上的聚集情形..........................................26
3.2.3 活性碳對銀離子的吸附機理............................................28 離子交換反應吸附................................................29 銀離子還原反應吸附..............................................29
3.3 活性碳纖維的吸附現象.....................................................32
3.3.1 物理吸附............................................................33
3.3.2 化學吸附............................................................34
3.3.3 細菌在活性碳上的吸附現象............................................36
3.3.4 吸附機構............................................................36
3.4 吸附理論與孔洞分析........................................... ...........39
3.4.1 吸附平衡............................................................39
3.4.2 等溫吸附曲線........................................................40
3.4.3 Langmuir等溫吸附....................................................45
3.4.4 BET等溫吸附.........................................................48
3.4.5 BJH分析法...........................................................50
3.4.6 t-plot分析法........................................................55
3.5 真實密度測試.............................................................57
3.6 抗菌理論.................................................................59
3.6.1 定義................................................................59
3.6.2 抗菌劑與抗菌機制....................................................61
第四章 實驗方法..............................................................63
4.1 實驗材料............................................................63
4.2 實驗藥劑............................................................63
4.3 實驗設備............................................................64
4.4 實驗流程............................................................67
4.5 實驗方法............................................................68
4.5.1 前處理工程..........................................................68
4.5.2 氧化、碳化及活化工程................................................68
4.5.3 後處理工程..........................................................69
4.5.4 金屬改質活性碳纖維..................................................70 真空噴灑........................................................70 裂解反應(decomposition).........................................71
4.6 活性碳纖維性質分析..................................................72
4.6.1 X射線繞射分析.......................................................72
4.6.2 X射線光電子分析.....................................................73
4.6.3 比表面積與及孔洞性質分析............................................73
4.6.4 真實密度測試........................................................74
4.6.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡鏡..................................................74
4.6.6 有機氣體吸附........................................................75
4.6.7 抗菌試驗...........................................................................76
4.6.8 銀離子溶出試驗......................................................78
第五章 結果與討論............................................................79
5.1 活化氣體對ACF性質之影響.............................................79
5.1.1 微細構造分析........................................................79
5.1.2 表面化學組成分析....................................................81 表面元素含量變化................................................83 官能基分析......................................................84
5.1.3 比表面積與孔洞性質分析..............................................86
5.1.4 真實密度分析........................................................89
5.2 鍍銀對ACF性質之影響.................................................91
5.2.1 微細構造分析........................................................91
5.2.2 表面化學組成分析....................................................92 表面元素含量變化................................................92 官能基分析......................................................94
5.2.3 比表面積與孔洞性質分析..............................................96
5.2.4 表面形態觀察........................................................98
5.3 裂解反應對ACF-Ag材料之影響..........................................99
5.3.1 表面化學組成分析....................................................99 表面元素含量變化................................................99 官能基分析.....................................................103
5.3.2 比表面積與孔洞性質分析.............................................105
5.3.3 真實密度分析.......................................................108
5.3.4 表面形態觀察.......................................................110
5.4 有機氣體吸附............................................................113
5.5 抗菌性質................................................................115
5.5.1 抗菌試驗...........................................................115
5.5.2 銀離子溶出試驗.....................................................117
第六章 結論.................................................................118
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