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研究生(外文):Yu-pin Chen
論文名稱(外文):Yarn Quality and Moisture Absorption and Release of Profiled Polyester and Cotton Core Yarns and Cover Yarns
指導教授(外文):Ching-Iuan Su
中文關鍵詞: 包繞紗 吸濕排汗 細紗品質異型斷面纖維 混紡紗 包芯紗
外文關鍵詞:Cover yarnYarn qualityMoisture absorption and releaseBlend yarnProfiled fiberCore yarn
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本研究係應用具有吸濕排汗功能之十字型異型斷面聚酯纖維與天然棉為原料,製成各種不同混紡比之粗紗(230gr/30yd),進行T/C Ne30混紡紗的紡製,並使用十字型異型斷面長纖絲(75d/48f)進行紡製Ne30的絲棉複合包芯紗及包繞紗,探討三種紗線其基本物性與吸濕排汗特性。實驗結果可知,聚酯比例含量越多時,其CV值會有下降的趨勢;反之,棉纖維含量比例逐漸增加,其CV值隨之增加。
The profiled polyester and cotton were used as raw materials to make roving of different kinds of blend ratio (230gr/30yd), and precede the spinning of T/C Ne30 spun yarns. In addition, we use the profiled polyester filament yarn (75d/48f) combined with the T/C roving to spin the Ne30 core yarns and wrap yarns. In this study we discuss the yarn quality and the function of the moisture absorption and release of the three kinds of T/C composite yarns. The experimental results show that the polyester-reach T/C yarn has the better yarn quality of lower CV value. On the other hand, the cotton-reach T/C yarn has higher CV value, its yarn quality is worse. The yarn CV and strength of core yarn and cover yarn were better than that of T/C spun yarn. So the filament will change the structure of spun yarn and improve its yarn quality. Besides, cover yarn’s quality was better than that of core yarn.
On analyzing the function of moisture absorption and release, the experiment results showed that the 100% profiled polyester knitted fabric had the best ability of diffusion and rate of dry, and it decreased as the cotton-contained increased. Evaluating the absorbed water height, we found that the 100% profiled polyester knitted fabric was the worst. However, adding an appropriate amount the cotton fibers will greatly improve the absorbed water height of T/C blend knitted fabrics. Anyway, the water absorption ability of core yarn is better than that of cover yarn, but the expanding area of the cover yarn is better than that of core yarn, and the absorption height of the cover yarn is higher and the dry ability is better than that of core yarn. In conclusions from the facts of the moisture absorption and release, hand and cost, the T/C (80/20), core yarn (42/46/12) and cover yarn (42/46/12) knitted fabric had the better market competitiveness.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖表目錄 VII
第一章 前 言 1
第二章 理 論 2
2.1紡紗理論 2
2.1.1羅拉牽伸理論 2
2.1.2紡紗三角成形的包覆理論 4
2.1.3紗線內纖維遷移理論 6
2.1.4包芯紗紡紗原理 7
2.2吸濕排汗原理 9
第三章 實 驗 11
3.1實驗材料 11
3.2實驗設備 12
3.2.1實驗設備: 12
3.3實驗方法 13
3.3.1 精紡工程 14
3.3.2 織布及練漂工程 16
3.3.3吸濕排汗織物評估方法 17
3.4實驗流程 20
第四章 結果與討論 21
4.1絲棉複合包芯紗與T/C混紡紗基本物性的探討 21
4.1.1包芯紗與T/C混紡紗CV%之比較: 21
4.1.2包芯紗與T/C混紡紗IPI值之比較: 23
4.1.3包芯紗與T/C混紡紗毛羽指數之比較: 27
4.1.4包芯紗與T/C混紡紗強伸度之比較: 29
4.2絲棉複合包芯紗與包繞紗其基本物性之探討 32
4.2.1包芯紗與包繞紗CV%之比較 32
4.2.2包芯紗與包繞紗IPI之比較 34
4.2.3包芯紗與包繞紗毛羽指數之比較 38
4.2.4包芯紗與包繞紗強伸度之比較 40
4.3包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗其基本物性之探討 43
4.3.1包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗CV%之比較 43
4.3.2包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗IPI之比較 45
4.3.3包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗毛羽指數之比較 49
4.3.4包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗強伸度之比較 51
4.4包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗其針織物吸濕排汗性的比較 54
4.4.1包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗其針織物芯吸高度之比較 54
4.4.2包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗其針織物擴散面積之比較 56
4.4.3包芯紗、包繞紗與T/C混紡紗其針織物殘留水分率之比較 58
第五章 結 論 60
第六章 參考文獻 61
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