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研究生(外文):Sung-yang Wu
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Modeling of Carding Roller system and Control for Web Density Uniformity
指導教授(外文):Chung-Feng Jeffrey Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Roller CardingPI ControllerInput ShapingExpert PI Controller
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乾式非織物(Dry Non-woven Fabric)製程技術中,影響產品品質與機械性質(Mechanical Properties)的關鍵,在於棉網密度均勻性(Web Density Uniformity)之控制。因此,本研究針對乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機(Roller Carding)之動態建模與棉網密度均勻性之控制。首先建立乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機之動態系統進行模型分析,其次考慮比例-積分-微分(Proportional-Integral-Derivative , PID)控制器的設計來改善系統的動態響應性能,並結合專家(Expert PID)控制器的應用。本研究依照上述提出的控制方法使乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統輸出之棉網密度均勻性達到預期之目標。
本研究針對乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統進行分析,其推導過程中先將系統其中一組梳棉單元,其中包含錫林(Cylinder)、分梳羅拉(Worker Roller)、剝取羅拉(Stripper Roller)進行理論探討與研究。並假定移行率(Collecting Power)為常數的條件下進行分析。接著探討乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統內梳棉單元的轉動角度及角速度的關係,並且分析出梳棉單元之延遲時間。其延遲時間採用Pade近似法(Pade Approximation)作為系統模型的簡化。最後利用上述的條件進行探討,並推導梳棉單元系統之轉移函數,再將其推展至四組梳棉單元。接著再推廣至乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統,包含梳棉單元(Carding Unit)、喂入羅拉(Feed Roller)、刺輥(Take-In)及道夫(Doffer)等進行串聯一起,並求出乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統之轉移函數。此外,由於乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統之轉移函數為高階系統,一般在PID控制器的設計上較為困難。因此本研究利用Routh近似法(Routh Approximation),將原始高階系統模型,在不影響其物理特性之下,降為低階系統。並且利用低階系統之轉移函數作根軌跡圖及穩定性分析,選擇適當的控制器,並將所設計控制器之參數代回原始高階系統,進行電腦模擬分析以使乾式非織物羅拉式梳棉機系統輸出之棉網密度均勻性達到響應目標。
由電腦模擬分析得知本系統為穩定系統,但系統響應速度緩慢且存在穩態誤差,其所設計之比例-積分(Proportional-Integral , PI)控制器驗證原始高階系統之後,明顯改善系統之響應速度且消除穩態誤差。同時,加入控制器後,系統暫態響應會有最大超越量之發生。於是本研究設計一輸入修正(Input Shaping)訊號波形作為線性疊加原理(linear Superposition),可有效抑制系統之最大超越量的發生,並消除輸出振盪現象。以使系統成功地達到快速的響應速度且無最大超越量之目標,並藉其設計之專家PID控制器作為系統性能之比較分析。
When it comes to the technology of dry non-woven fabric process, the factor which influences products and machinery properties most is the control for web density uniformity. As a result, this study focuses on dynamic modeling of card roller of dry non-woven fabric and the control for web density uniformity. At first, a dynamic system of card roller of dry non-woven fabric is established and the model analysis is conducted. Next, the PID type controller is designed to improve dynamic response performance of the system, and then the expert PID controller is under consideration.
In the mathematical modeling, one card unit includes cylinder, worker roller, and stripper roller of the system is first discussed. The migration is assumed as a constant. Then, the relationship between rotational speed and the angle of card unit of the card roller system is studied. The web arrival time is regarded as time delay and based on Pade Approximation for model simplification. Further, the transfer function of the card unit system is derived, and it is applied to four card units and finally to the whole card roller system including card units, feed roller, take-in and doffer. The transfer function of card roller system is a high order system, the Routh Approximation is applied to convert it into a low order one without changing its physical properties. Moreover, the transfer function of the low order system is used for root locus plot and stability analysis in which to choose a suitable controller. Then, the designed controller is brought into the original high order system for simulation to make sure if the web density uniformity achieves the control objective.
From simulation, the system is recognized as a stable system. However, the system transient response is slow, and steady-state error is observed. After the proportion integral (PI) controller is applied to the high order system, the response speed is improved greatly, and the steady-state error is eliminated but overshoot still exists. Therefore, the input shaping is used so as to effectively avoid maximum overshoot and eliminate output oscillation. Finally, the designed expert PID controller is employed for system performance comparision.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1. 利用自動均條系統 3
1.2.2. 利用羅拉式梳棉機梳理流程探討 6
1.2.3. 輸入修正 6
1.2.4. 專家PID控制器 7
1.3. 研究動機與目的 9
1.4. 論文架構 10
第2章 羅拉式梳棉機系統工程之介紹 11
2.1. 梳棉機之種類 11
2.2. 羅拉式梳棉機各部名稱及作用 12
2.3. 羅拉式梳棉機作用原理 15
第3章 羅拉式梳棉機系統模型推導 19
3.1. 系統模型描述 19
3.2. 梳棉單元 21
3.2.1. 時間延遲函數之Pade近似法 25
3.3. 四組梳棉單元 28
3.4. 羅拉式梳棉機整體系統 29
3.5. 以Routh近似法來近似高階系統 34
3.5.1. Routh 近似法應用 37
第4章 系統模式分析與控制器設計 40
4.1. PID控制理論 40
4.2. 穩態誤差分析 42
4.3. 控制器設計 44
4.4. 輸入修正理論 48
4.5. 積分終結(Integral Windup) 54
4.5.1. 抗積分飽和法 56
4.6. 專家PID控制的原理和設計方法 59
第5章 結果與討論 65
第6章 總結論與未來研究方向 68
6.1. 結論 68
6.2. 未來研究方向 70
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