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研究生(外文):Jia-Wei Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Automatic 3D Solid Texture Synthesis from a 2D Image
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Kai Yang
外文關鍵詞:texture synthesissolid textureprobability modelvisual hull
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材質合成(texture synthesis)為電腦圖學(computer graphics)之熱門研究領域。多數材質合成之研究成果專注於處理二維影像,對較複雜之三維或更高維度之材質合成研究較少。本篇論文以由單張二維影像特徵合成三維材質為題;由二維影像統計資料建立機率模型,進而以此機率模型控制三維材質之合成過程,並利用視覺外型(visual hull)技術為固態材質建模。
Texture synthesis, especially 2 dimensional (2D) image texture synthesis, is a common problem which interests many Computer Graphics researchers. But texture synthesis in 3 dimensional (3D) data or even higher dimension has been less discussed. In this thesis, we demonstrate an algorithm which employs a probability model and borrows the idea from visual hull to automatically generate 3D solid textures from a single image.
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
Index IV
List of Figures V
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 3
2.1 Visual Hull 3
2.2 Solid Texture 6
2.3 Collision Detection & Prevention 10
2.4 Tri-map 11
3 Solid Texture Synthesis 12
3.1 Algorithm Overview 12
3.2 2D Analysis phase 13
3.2.1 Profile Formation 13
3.2.2 Hierarchical Probability Model (H.P.M.) 15
3.2.3 Color 19
3.3 3D Synthesis phase 22
3.3.1 Particle Generation 22
3.3.2 Collision Prevention 29
3.3.3 Configuration of the H.P.M. 31
3.3.4 The Final Stage 32
4 Result 34
4.1 Input data and Settings 34
4.1.1 128*128 data sets 34
4.1.2 256*256 data sets 35
4.2 Result 36
4.3 Statistics comparisons 40
5 Conclusion & Future Work 41
Reference 43
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