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研究生(外文):Ping-yao Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Establishing Evaluation Process Model for Level of Software Product Quality
指導教授(外文):Sun-jen Huang
外文關鍵詞:Software QualitySoftware Quality AssuranceSoftware Product Quality LevelMeasurement and Analysis
  • 被引用被引用:8
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為了確保軟體產品的品質,軟體品質保證(Software Quality Assurance, SQA)是軟體開發組織的一項重要投資活動。軟體品質保證的達成,必須仰賴於軟體產品品質的評估,所以軟體產品品質評估的工作便成為一個非常重要的課題。現今的台灣軟體產業中,對於軟體品質的管理與評估仍存在許多問題,追究其原因,除了缺乏一套合適的軟體產品品質評估模式外,軟體開發組織也普遍對於軟體產品缺乏度量品質屬性與分析品質等級的機制,以致於無法有效評估軟體產品品質的等級,使得軟體使用者無法制訂其對軟體產品品質等級的要求,軟體開發者也無法客觀地評估軟體產品品質的等級。

因此本研究的主要目的是以國際標準ISO/IEC 14598:軟體產品評估為基礎,制訂一套軟體產品品質等級評估流程模式。此軟體產品品質等級評估流程模式,可依資訊系統的不同類型,調適出適合的軟體產品品質等級評估模式,然後根據度量指標蒐集其度量值,進行軟體產品品質等級的評估,其分析後的結果可提供作為軟體品質改善的依據或滿足使用者品質需求的證據。本研究所提出的軟體產品品質等級評估流程模式的主要特色就是可以協助軟體開發組織與使用者客觀的制訂軟體產品品質等級評估模式與評估軟體產品的品質等級,以建立彼此間對於軟體產品需求品質的協議。最後本研究將所提出的軟體產品品質等級評估流程模式實際導入於一個個案公司,建立出軟體產品品質等級的評估模式,以驗證本流程模式的可行性。
In order to ensure the quality of software products, the software quality assurance (SQA) is an important activity for all software development organizations. As an effective SQA activity relies on an objective evaluation of the software product quality, the evaluation of the software product quality has became a very important topic. Nowadays, software industry in Taiwan is still facing many problems in controlling and evaluating software product quality. The primary reason for this is that except for the lack of an objective software product quality assessment model, the software organizations do not have a well-defined mechanism for measuring the quality attributes and further evaluating the level of software product quality. Hence, the software users cannot objectively specify their required level of the software product quality and the software development organizations cannot also objectively evaluate the level of the delivered software product quality.

The main objective of this thesis is to propose an evaluation process model for the level of software product quality, which is based on the International Standard ISO/IEC 14598:Software Product Evaluation. The proposed process model can generate a tailored software product quality evaluation model based on different types of information systems. Accordingly the required software measures are collected and further analyzed for providing feedback to improve the level of software product quality. The proposed process model can help software development organizations and users establish the evaluation model for the level of software product quality and thus server as an agreement of the requirement of software product quality. Final, the proposed evaluation process model for the level of software product quality is practically introduced into a domestic software development organization for both verifying and demonstrating its usability.
摘 要 I
誌謝 V
目 錄 VII
表 目 錄 IX
圖 目 錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究架構及步驟 4
1.5 本文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 軟體流程與軟體流程評估 7
2.1.1 軟體流程 7
2.1.2 軟體流程評估 8
2.2 ARC與SCMPI 12
2.2.1 ARC 12
2.2.2 SCMPI 13
2.3 軟體品質模式 14
2.4 軟體產品評估 23
2.5 分析層級程序法 25
第三章 研究架構 29
3.1 模式架構 29
3.2 制訂評估的需求 (流程一) 31
3.2.1 建立評估目的(作業1.1) 31
3.2.2 確認產品型態(作業1.2) 32
3.2.3 制訂品質模式(作業1.3) 33
3.3 制訂評估 (流程二) 34
3.3.1 選擇度量指標(作業2.1) 34
3.3.2 定義度量指標的等級水準(作業2.2) 35
3.3.3 建立評估準則(作業2.3) 37
3.4 設計評估 (流程三) 39
3.4.1 產生評估計畫(作業3.1) 39
3.5 執行評估 (流程四) 40
3.5.1 蒐集度量值(作業4.1) 40

3.5.2 比較評估準則(作業4.2) 41
3.5.3 評估度量結果(作業4.3) 43
第四章 模式驗證 45
4.1 模式驗證對象簡介 45
4.2 驗證流程 46
4.3 資料分析與研究結果 50
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1 研究貢獻 57
5.2 研究困難 59
5.3 後續研究建議 60
參考文獻 61
附錄A 第一階段問卷 65
附錄B 第二階段問卷 77
作者簡介 85
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