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研究生(外文):Tao-hung Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Determining trade credit length for the seller and replenishment policy for the buyer under non-cooperative and cooperative games
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Kang Chen
中文關鍵詞: 賽局理論整合延遲付款 存貨
外文關鍵詞:Game theoryIntegrationTrade creditInventory
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In practice the wholesaler would like to give the retailer a time period for delay payment in order to improve their business relationship or increase the order quantity. In this paper, we present a model to investigate the problem of firstly determining an optimal length for delay payment from the perspective of wholesaler in order to maximize his profit per unit time and the problem of subsequently determining an optimal ordering cycle length from the perspective of retailer in order to maximize his profit per unit time. Besides, the retailer and the wholesaler probably seek the opportunity to cooperate with each other for the purpose of improving their profits; hence we also present an integrated model of the retailer and the wholesaler. Several interesting properties of the optimal policy are investigated and an efficient algorithm is provided to search for the optimal policy. Finally, numerical example and sensitivity analysis are provided to illustrate the features of the proposed problem.
致 謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Investigate background and motive 1
1.2 Investigate objective 2
1.3 Investigate scope and restriction 3
1.4 Investigate method and procedure 3
Chapter 2. Literature review 4
Chapter 3. Description of the model environments 6
3.1 Notation 6
3.2Assumptions 7
3.3 Model environments 7
Chapter 4. Leader-follower relationship model 9
4.1 Case 1: 9
4.1.1 Mathematical formulation and solution procedure of the buyer’s problem 9
4.1.2 Mathematical formulation and solution procedure of the Seller’s problem 12
4.2 Case 2: 22
4.2.1 Mathematical formulation and solution procedure of the buyer’s problem 22
4.2.2 Mathematical formulation and solution procedure of the seller’s problem 24
Chapter 5. Integration relationship model 26
5.1 Case 1: 26
5.2 Case 2: 28
Chapter 6. Numerical Examples and sensitivity analysis 32
6.1 Numerical Examples 32
6.2 Sensitivity analysis 35
Chapter 7. Concluding Remarks 40
References 41
Appendix A 43
Appendix B 44
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