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研究生(外文):Che-lin Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Dynamic Backoff Time Scheme with Considering Channel Condition for IEEE 802.11e EDCA
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Cheng Lai
外文關鍵詞:EDCAIEEE 802.11QoS
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許多已提出的IEEE 802.11e的改良機制,對服務品質有越來越多的需求。它們大部分根據傳輸失敗的與否調整參數(例如CW),但都未考慮到在傳輸封包時的頻道狀態(頻寬)。在無線網路中,頻道狀態的變動是由於某些因素,像是移動性的站台、不同程度的干擾、位置相依錯誤。本篇提出擁有鏈結調適的增強分散式頻道存取演算法(EDCA-LA)來適應變動的頻道狀態。我們主張使較好頻道的站台設定較小的等待時間以達到較高的整體網路效能。模擬結果可以看出在產能和平均存取延遲方面,EDCA-LA都勝過標準的EDCA。
Abstract – Many enhanced schemes of IEEE 802.11e have been proposed to meet the increasing demand for Quality of Service (QoS). Most of them adjust the parameters, such as Contention Window (CW), according to whether the transmission is successful or failed, but don’t consider the channel condition (bandwidth) at transmitting packets. In a wireless network, the channel condition is time-varying due to some factors such as station mobility, time-varying interference, and location-dependent errors. In this paper, we propose the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access with Link Adaptation (EDCA-LA) algorithm by adapting with the time-varying channel condition. Our idea is to set the smaller backoff time for a station which has a better channel to achieve higher overall performance. Simulation results show that EDCA-LA outperforms the standard EDCA in terms of throughput and mean access delay.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background 4
2.1. IEEE 802.11 MAC 4
2.2. IEEE 802.11e MAC 5
Chapter 3. EDCA-LA Algorithm 9
Chapter 4. Simulation 12
4.1. Simulation environment 12
4.2. Simulation results 14
Chapter 5. Conclusions 20
References 21
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