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研究生(外文):Ming Lin Li
論文名稱(外文):Colorimetric Characterization of a LED Projector and Correcting Dim Levels Tristimulus
指導教授(外文):Jong-Woei Whang
中文關鍵詞:LED 投影機暗階black level色彩特性量測非線性內插三刺激值
外文關鍵詞:LED projectordim levelsblack levelcolorimetric characterizationnonlinear interpolationtristimulus
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此研究主要探討的是解決在暗階(dim levels)時量測儀器靈敏度不夠高導致量測的三刺激值不準的問題,解釋如下:
所有投影機皆會在輸入訊號為零時漏光,這稱為black level,主要的原因是因為內部的雜散光。Black level會導致每一channel的色座標值隨著亮度變化而變化,我們已經知道在色彩特性量測中把black level量測準確是非常重要的,而解決儀器對black level靈敏度不高的方法已經被提出,不幸的是LED投影機的輸出值特別地低,量測儀器甚至是在輸入訊號不高時也不靈敏,而不只是black level而已。

所以為了增加準確性,在此研究中引用了兩個方法,其中一個是black level預測最佳化,另一個是把black level切割成三個channel的個別貢獻。對於暗階的問題,於此文章中我們提出一個迴圈程序,迴圈包含已經提出的black level預測最佳化以及用非線性內插取代暗階三刺激值,也就是說我們修正了所量測的black level和暗階三刺激值。

As brightness of LEDs is brighter and brighter, making LED projector is possible. Taking the place of conventional UHP (ultra high pressure) lamp with LEDs reduces the projector size and system complexity. The major advantages of LEDs are natural pure color, long lifetime, low power consumption, small size, and high brightness. LEDs also has defects, one is low lux value, it limits LED projector to perform only in absolutely dark room, another is the suitable projection distance is below 1 meter. The reason is that illuminance varys with inversely proportional to the square of projection distance, and gathering efficiency of LED projector is not good enough. Additionally, power and brightness of LEDs are not high enough to be an illuminant source at present. If so, the projection image will be not large.

The major research of this article is solving the problem of low sensitivity of measuring device at dim levels, that will cause inaccurate tristimulus, and explained below:
When digital input values are zero, display still outputs light. The phenomenon is referred to as display’s black level. The basic reason is internal scattering. The black level will cause chromaticity variation. It is already known measuring black level precisely in colorimetric characterization is very important. The low instrument sensitivity for black level had been solved and proposed. Unfortunately, output tristimulus for dim levels of LED projector are especially low. Measuring device is not sensitive enough for low digital values, not only black level.

To improve accuracy, two proposed method are employed. One is black level estimation, another is cutting black level into respective contribution of each channel. For dim levels problem, a routine procedure including proposed black level estimation and nonlinear interpolation of low output tristimulus in place of raw data is proposed, namely tristimulus of every dim level output as well as black level are corrected.

In addition to sensitivity problem, primary additivity, color gamut, contrast, uniformity, temporal stability, spectral stability, spatial non-uniformity, channel independency, spatial independency are measured, All the characteristics are compared to data in a paper about colorimetric characteristics of a LCD projector. Color prediction accuracy of various model are compared eventually, and we probed into possibility of reducing large number of measuring data and time.
第1章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
第2章 基礎知識 3
2.1 傳統投影機與LED投影機比較 3
2.1.1 穿透式LCD投影機 3
2.1.2 反射式LCD投影機 4
2.1.3 DLP投影機 5
2.1.4 LED投影機 6
2.2 色彩學簡介 9
2.2.1 顯示器混色方法 9
2.2.2 色差公式 10
2.3 顯示器基本色彩架構 11
2.4 各種顯示器色彩model簡介 12
2.4.1 不考慮channel interaction的model 13
2.4.2 考慮channel interaction的model 17
第3章 量測實驗 19
3.1 量測設備 19
3.2 實驗架設 20
第4章 量測結果及數據 22
4.1 加法性(Additivity) 22
4.2 色域(Color gamut) 23
4.3 對比(Contrast) 24
4.4 均勻度(Uniformity) 25
4.5 時間穩定性(Temporal stability) 26
4.6 頻譜穩定性(Spectral stability) 27
4.7 空間不均勻度(Spatial non-uniformity) 30
4.8 Channel獨立性(Inter-channel independency) 36
4.9 空間獨立性(Spatial independency) 39
4.10 量測儀器靈敏度不夠之問題 44
4.10.1 量測實驗 44
4.10.2 black level最佳化 44
4.10.3 修正暗階時不準確的三刺激值 47
4.11 各種model色彩預測準確性 51
4.11.1 建立model的量測實驗 51
4.11.2 各種model預測準確性比較 51
第1章 序論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
第2章 基礎知識 3
2.1 傳統投影機與LED投影機比較 3
2.1.1 穿透式LCD投影機 3
2.1.2 反射式LCD投影機 4
2.1.3 DLP投影機 5
2.1.4 LED投影機 6
2.2 色彩學簡介 9
2.2.1 顯示器混色方法 9
2.2.2 色差公式 10
2.3 顯示器基本色彩架構 11
2.4 各種顯示器色彩model簡介 12
2.4.1 不考慮channel interaction的model 13
2.4.2 考慮channel interaction的model 17
第3章 量測實驗 19
3.1 量測設備 19
3.2 實驗架設 20
第4章 量測結果及數據 22
4.1 加法性(Additivity) 22
4.2 色域(Color gamut) 23
4.3 對比(Contrast) 24
4.4 均勻度(Uniformity) 25
4.5 時間穩定性(Temporal stability) 26
4.6 頻譜穩定性(Spectral stability) 27
4.7 空間不均勻度(Spatial non-uniformity) 30
4.8 Channel獨立性(Inter-channel independency) 36
4.9 空間獨立性(Spatial independency) 39
4.10 量測儀器靈敏度不夠之問題 44
4.10.1 量測實驗 44
4.10.2 black level最佳化 44
4.10.3 修正暗階時不準確的三刺激值 47
4.11 各種model色彩預測準確性 51
4.11.1 建立model的量測實驗 51
4.11.2 各種model預測準確性比較 51
4.12 減少大量的量測時間可能性之探討 53
第5章 總結 55
5.1 LED投影機色彩特性 55
5.2 未來及展望 55
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