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研究生(外文):Cheng-I Lin
論文名稱(外文):Performance Improvement on the interface of Channel/Insulator for Organic TFT
指導教授(外文):Ching-Lin Fan
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目前有機薄膜電晶體越來越收歡迎的原因:低溫製程、低成本、製造容易、製程簡單。可應用於日生活中如電子紙 電子標籤但若能提高其載子移動率與穩定性在將來也許可以用來驅動元件。
本論文針對改善元件載子移動率提出新的氨電漿 ( NH3-plasma ) 處理方式元件結構為底部閘極 ( bottom gate ) 有四層分別為:Si基板、介電層( Oxide )、電極 ( Source / drain ) 、主動層 ( Pentacene ) 。氨 ( NH3 ) 電漿主要處理介電層表面藉此我們成功地改善元件特性、NO/OFF current ratio =105 、 mobility (μ=2.4×10-3cm2/V-s) 。且我們利用Atomic Force Microscope ( AFM ) 觀察晶粒大小HP4156A做電性量測分析。因為有機主動層製造過程中需用到濕式蝕刻而介電層會吸附水氣所以我們在每一道蝕刻完成都將樣品予以烘烤 ( 150℃ ) 在鍍主動層。藉此探討各個特性以及變化。
Organic thin-film transistors (TFTs) have been affected much attention due to their low temperature process, low cost, simple process, easy to manufacture, application to flexible electronics ex : electronics paper, electronics tag etc. In case of increase mobility maybe use in driving device in the future.
In this paper, we use novel process NH3-plasma to improve mobility, the device is four layer bottom gate structure according to heavy doped Silicon wafer, dielectric layer(oxide), electrode(source/drain), active layer (pentacene). NH3-plasma treated oxide surface and then we successful improvement, NO/OFF current ratio =105, mobility(μ=2.4×10-3cm2/V-s). Use Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and HP4156A to find grain size, grain boundary and electronic characteristic. Because of organic layer hydrophobia, all sample after wet etch put into oven 150ºC to roast. After NH3-plasma treatment the leakage current trend to large. And then discuss with all device characteristic and variation.

中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------Ⅱ
誌  謝 ---------------------------------------------Ⅲ
目錄索引 ---------------------------------------------Ⅳ
圖表索引 -------------------------------------------- Ⅵ

第一章 序論-------------------------------------------1
1-1 研究背景-------------------------------------------1
1-2 研究動機與方向-------------------------------------2
1-3 論文大綱-------------------------------------------3
第二章 有機電晶體介紹---------------------------------4
2-1 有機薄膜電晶體發-----------------------------------4
2-2 Pentacene材料特性與介紹----------------------------6
2-3 有機薄膜場效電晶體結構-----------------------------7
2-4 有機半導體的傳導方式-------------------------------8
2-4.1 能帶理論-----------------------------------9
2-4.2 有機共軛分子----------------------------- 10
2-4.3 分子鏈上 ( intramolecular ) 的傳導------- 12
2-4.4 分子鏈間 ( intermolecule ) 的傳導-------- 13
2-4.5 有機薄膜電晶體操作模式------------------- 14

2-5 元件參數------------------------------------------18
2-5.1 載子移動率 ( Mobility:μ )-------------- 18
2-5.2 臨界電壓 ( Threshold Voltage:Vt )------- 20
2-5.3 次臨界電壓 ( Subthreshold Slope:S.S. )-- 23
第三章  實驗流程-------------------------------------24
3-1 元件結構------------------------------------------24
3-2 元件製作流程--------------------------------------25
3-3 元件量測------------------------------------------25
第四章  實驗結果分析---------------------------------26
4-1 主動層晶粒大小探討--------------------------------26
4-2 元件特性與退化------------------------------------37
第五章 總結-----------------------------------------52
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