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研究生(外文):Jia-ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Magnetic Amplifier Voltage Regulation Technique for Flyback Converter
指導教授(外文):Guan-chyun HsiehTzong-yeu Leou
中文關鍵詞: 穩壓調節多組輸出返馳式轉換器 磁放大器
外文關鍵詞:magnetic amplifiervoltage regulationmulti-outputflyback converter
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In the power supply system, multi-output is always one of the basic requirement for the user. In earlier times, it did not request all the outputs of a power supply system with an excellent voltage regulation in the application. Basically one of the outputs is chosen as feedback control for stabilizing the system. As for the other outputs, their output voltages were obtained by varying the transformer turns ratio. This kind of power system design is only used for the application which doesn’t request highly accurate voltage regulation.
For improving the voltage regulation, the MagAmp used as post regulation has become the best solution. The MagAmp was popularly used in the forward multi-output system in the past. Since each output must have a bleed resistor to ensure the instability in the light load condition, it then causes dissipation on the resistor. In order to achieve a low cost and an excellent voltage regulation, it is the best choice to add a MagAmp used as post regulation for the flyback converter. The ”time share” technique uses MagAmp in flyback converter can provide tightly regulated outputs, and a multi-output power system of 100W flyback circuits is examined. This proposed converter can totally replace the traditional forward converter, and it also can archive of low cost and the stable output voltage for each output.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
圖表索引 Ⅶ
參 數 定 義 對 照 表 XI
第一章. 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 6
1.3 研究步驟與方法 8
1.4 研究目的 8
第二章. 返馳式分時輸出電源原理分析 8
2.1 理想系統電路分析 9
2.2 非理想系統電路分析 17
2.3 電流模式控制 32
2.3.0 迴授控制方塊圖 32
2.3.1 寬廣的輸入電壓調變 33
2.3.2 多組輸出架構脈衝寬度調變訊號 34
第三章. 磁放大器動作原理 36
3.1 脈寬調變磁開關 36
3.1.0 磁放大器基本特性 36
3.1.1 順向式後置穩壓調節電路分析 37
3.1.2 返馳式後置穩壓調節電路分析 41
3.2 磁放大器的限制 46
3.2.1 鐵芯磁滯曲線的方正度 46
3.2.2 整流二極體的逆向恢復電流 48
3.3 磁放大器控制的型式 49
3.4 迴授控制與重置電路 51
第四章. 設計考量 53
4.1 返馳式分時輸出雙組電源設計考量 53
4.1.1 變壓器的圈數關係 53
4.1.2 變壓器設計 54
4.1.3 輸出電容設計 61
4.1.4 被動箝壓緩振器設計 62
4.1.5 功率開關的選擇 63
4.2 磁放大器穩壓電路設計考量 64
4.2.1 磁放大器設計 64
4.2.2 磁放大器驅動電路設計 68
第五章. 設計實例 70
5.1 返馳式雙組輸出電源實例設計 70
5.1.1 變壓器設計 70
5.1.2 輸出電容設計 74
5.1.3 被動箝壓緩振器設計 74
5.1.4 功率開關的選用 75
5.2 返馳式系統磁放大器穩壓電路設計 76
5.2.1 磁放大器實例設計 76
5.2.2 磁放大器驅動電路設計 78
5.3 順向式系統磁放大器設計 80
5.3.1 磁放大器設計 80

第六章. 量測與結果 83
6.0 說明 83
6.1 返馳式雙組輸出電源實際量測波形 84
6.2 順向式雙組輸出電源實際量測波形 96
第七章. 結論 105
7.1 結論 105
7.2 未來工作方向 106
參考文獻 107
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